The New Delhi police on Monday denounced the Olympic fighters who participated in the demonstration, accusing them of provoking a conflict and making an illegal demonstration. Among those reported are Olympic players: Bajrang Punia, bronze medal in Tokyo 2020 and Sakshi Malik bronze medal at the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games in 2016.
Four months ago, the head of the Indian Free Fighting Federation, Brij Bhushan Singh, was denounced by several combatants for sexual abuse for years, as La Vanguardia has received. The alleged aggressors are the head of the Singh federation and the coaches of the team. Athletes say the federation was informed.
On Sunday, the combatants demonstrated near the Indian Parliament to denounce the authorities’ lack of action. The protest has ended following the visit of the combatants to the parliamentary headquarters of Prime Minister Jata Mantar. Mali was detained for short periods of time.
"The Delhi Police needs seven days to register the complaint against the sexual assailant and has not taken seven hours to report to us," Malike said.
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— Sakshee Malikkh (@SakshiMalik) May 28, 2023
Zur eta lur hartu dituzte Nafarroako Berdintasun teknikariek festa girorako enpresa zenbaitek egindako proposamenak. Edalontzia estaltzeko tapak edo eta edarian drogarik dagoen ikusteko eskumuturrekoak.
In Bilbao, I worked for five years with groups at risk of exclusion around the digital divide, especially with women. Along the way, I came across machistan violence and many other problems. In a very organic way, I began to relate to myself and to understand the work of the... [+]