All parties in favour of independence have agreed not to participate in the third referendum. "Health and social conditions are not guaranteed for peace or tranquillity," said the media, who expressed concern about the changes, according to Mikel Irastorza.
In New Caledonia, under the French State, on 12 November the incidence rate of 100,000 inhabitants was 112, with the curfew order between 22.00 and 5.00 hours in force since 15 November. And no more than fifteen people can meet.
President Daniel Goa said that there are now independentists in the Government of New Caledonia and that they have to act responsibly: "We've made the choice and we've made the decisions. We're not going to get documents for the campaign, we're not going to campaign," the Kazeta media said. The president stressed that a referendum on decolonization would not be possible without the participation of the Canarian people.
The anti-independence sectors that defeated the previous two referenda have insistently called for the date of 12 December to be maintained and have been satisfied with the decision of the French State.
New Caledonia has been under the control of France since 1853. The Noumea Agreement, signed in May 1998, initiated a phased decolonization process. And within the procedure agreed upon in it, 12 December will be the third referendum of the Spanish Constitution. On 4 November 2018, the first referendum on the independence of Catalonia was held, with 56.7% of the votes. The second referendum, held on 4 October 2020, reached a "no" of 53.3%.
On the ARGIA channel for Kanaky you will find more information on the road you have travelled so far.
COVID-19ak eragindako osasun egoeragatik independentziari buruzko erreferenduma atzeratzea galdetzen zuten independentistek, hori gabe boikotatuko zutela abisatuz. Eskaerari elkor, hitzordu politikoa burutu zuen Frantziak abenduaren 12an. %96,49ak Frantziaren mende gelditzearen... [+]
“Nahi ote duzu Kaledonia-Berria burujabetza osora heltzea eta independente bilakatzea?”. Galdera horri erantzun beharko diote erreferendum bidez urriko lehen igandean Frantziaren menpe segitzen duen Kaledonia-Berriko herritarrek. 1853an indarrez kolonizatuak izan... [+]