“Eight out of ten child victims of violence know the aggressor. The family environment continues to be the field of most violence,” explains Save the Children’s report. This study analyzes the sentences on sexual assault on minors.
According to the latest data from the Ministry of the Interior, in 2021 there were 8,317 complaints against sexual abuse, of which 82.7% were assaults against girls. But Catalina Perazzo, head of social and political influence of Save the Children, has confirmed that this data is only the tip of the iceberg, as only 15% of cases are reported.
With this data, the organization recognizes that the biggest proof of child sexual abuse is the “victim’s declaration”. In Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, for example, in 69.6% of cases, the victim’s declaration has been used as “principal means of proof”. According to the data, some victims have to declare themselves “more than once” and before the trial “have to testify three times before the police and the prosecutor and before the court”.
According to the cases of Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, the profiles are accurate. In the case of the victim, girls aged 10 to 14 years. As for the aggressors, they are known to the children, whether or not they are members of the family around them.
Barnahus model
Save the Children has proposed the establishment of a Barnahus model of “comprehensive care” that allows recording the testimony of the victim in a friendly environment, with appropriate technology, specialized professional and high qualification. This would prevent the child from repeating their testimony “several times”. In Euskal Herria, the first will start in Vitoria at the end of the year.
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