Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

15 Navarran taxi drivers to receive training on male violence

  • Four training sessions will be held in the pilot course launched by the Government of Navarra.  

Activities organised by the Navarro Institute for Equality (NABI) will involve 15 taxi drivers: 12 men and 3 women. The project is a pilot training course on equality of women and arises from the demands of the associations Teletaxi San Fermín and Taxistas Autopatronos de Navarra (AITAN).

The course will consist of four sessions. It will provide training on equality for drivers and drivers, working “communication and perception skills”. They will be taught how to combat aggression and violence against women at work.

1st meeting

The first meeting was held on 2 June. As explained by César Méndez Teletaxi, head of communication of the San Fermín Society to the SER medium, then it was seen that the course is a necessary training for taxi drivers. “We saw that all participants had detected cases of violence. There are discussions between couples or, crying, women who say that when they come home, they will be beaten.”

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