In 2021, they will open a new shelter for women victims of male violence in Angelu. The housing structure of Office 64 has supported the project, and the shelter will be offered in collaboration with the French prosecutor, the Baiona hospital, departmental services and various associations. Women who suffer the violence of the couple and their children will be able to stay there for several months.
Currently, Atherpea manages several shelters of this type: three homes (eight seats) at the Bayonne–Anglet-Biarritz level, two on the coast (five seats) and three between the coast and the interior (nine seats). In addition, three other apartments must be opened until September, that is to say nine others.
The French Interior Minister, Gerard Darmanin, was in Baiona on 11 July, on the occasion of the death of the bus driver, Philippe Monguillot. As soon as the arrival of the minister was known, several feminists called a rally to denounce the death of the young man. In total, some 60 people joined the protest against the new minister, who is accused of a violation.
Elizak 23 kasu ditu onarturik Nafarroa Garaian. Haiek "ekonomikoki, psikologikoki eta espiritualki laguntzeko" konpromisoa adierazi du Iruñeko artzapezpikuak.
15 urteko emakume bati egin dio eraso Izarra klubean jarduten zuen pilota entrenatzaile batek.
Lestelle-Betharramgo (Biarno) ikastetxe katolikoko indarkeria eta bortxaketa kasuen salaketek beste ikastetxe katoliko batzuen gainean jarri du fokua. Ipar Euskal Herriari dagokionez, Uztaritzeko San Frantses Xabier kolegioan pairaturiko indarkeria kasuak azaleratu dira... [+]
Bi neska komisarian, urduri, hiru urtetik gora luzatu den jazarpen egoera salatzen. Izendatzen. Tipo berbera agertzen zaielako nonahi. Presentzia arraro berbera neskek parte hartzen duten ekitaldi kulturaletako atarietan, bietako baten amaren etxepean, bestea korrika egitera... [+]
Martxoak 8a heltzear da beste urtebetez, eta nahiz eta zenbaitek erabiltzen duten urtean behin beren irudia morez margotzeko soilik, feministek kaleak aldarriz betetzeko baliatzen dute egun seinalatu hau. 2020an, duela bost urte, milaka emakumek elkarrekin oihukatu zuten euren... [+]
Neska adingabeari sexu abusuak era jarraituan egin zizkiola frogatutzat jo du Bizkaiko Lurralde Auzitegiak.
1989tik 2014ra, Frantzia mendebaldeko hainbat ospitaletan egindako erasoengatik epaituko dute. 74 urte ditu Joel Le Scouarnec zirujau ohiak, eta espetxean dago beste lau sexu eraso kasurengatik.
Lau mila karaktere ditut kontatu behar dudana kontatzeko. Esan behar ditut gauzak argi, zehatz, soil, eta ahalko banu polit, elegante, egoki. Baga, biga, higa. Milimetrikoki neurtu beharra dut, erregelaz markatu agitazioa non amaitzen den eta propaganda non hasi. Literarioki,... [+]
We learned this week that the Court of Getxo has closed the case of 4-year-old children from the Europa School. This leads us to ask: are the judicial, police, etc. authorities prepared to respond to the children’s requests? Are our children really protected when they are... [+]