A thousand people have supported the demonstrations and concentrations called for on the occasion of the International Day against Male Violence. The Feminist Movement has targeted men, the media and institutions: "If you're not the solution, you're a problem," he added.
The demonstrations have been held throughout Euskal Herria on Monday, 25 years after the UN proclaimed this international day, during which many acts are celebrated. "In our day to day we have perfectly normalized attacks, rapes, fear and murders," said the Feminist Movement, which has also denounced the "new forms" of machismo in social networks and in virtual space.
The protesters, focused on "the men who remain silent", have denounced the attitude of those who "do not stop their peers, accept misogynistic comments and look beyond what seems simple comfort", and added: "Most men remain uncommitted to eradicating and denouncing complicity, justification and Machian violence, you are a problem if you don't believe it," he added.
You are accomplices to the culture of rape, as I said, for example, the main banners in Bilbao – the most massive demonstration – and if you are not the solution, those of San Sebastian, Vitoria, Pamplona or Baiona said.
Iratxe Álvarez, a member of the Women's Platform against Sexist Violence, said that "it is a message that directly interposes men, but also the media, institutions and society in general". "The media is also a problem in the reproduction of male violence, when you blame the perpetrator, when you give morbid details of each case and build stories about sexual terror," he added.
The Feminist Movement has denounced on November 25 all male violence, beyond the direct physical aggressions: the precariousness and loneliness of older women, the suffering of migrants or domestic workers, those with functional diversity, sex workers, trans women... "All of them are united and serve to maintain a heteropatriarchal, capitalist, colonial and capacitist structure that perpetuates the subordination of women," the Feminist Movement said in a statement. Faced with this, he added, "feminist alliances, organization and struggle are necessary."
Itaia: "We want to call for a political organization to end machismo"
The socialist organization Itaia has called for demonstrations in several municipalities of the Basque Country and has called on the citizens to demonstrate. "We will continue to work with the commitment to fight both the Machian and reactionary speeches and the impunity of the aggressors and all the aggressions," he said. "We want to make it clear that November 25 is a day of struggle: We want to put the fight against male violence at the forefront and demand a political organization that will put an end to male chauvinism," the statement states. "We want to state that we are going to deal with the reactionary attacks and the eruption of the Machista culture in the Basque Country," he added. "But we are also fed up with the charlatanery and hypocrisy of professional politicians, because parties on both sides are implementing increasingly authoritarian policies. In addition, they have made false promises, institutionalized street mobilization and accommodated themselves in state institutions. This is not the way to deal with machismo, nor with the rise of fascism."
The institutions, for their part, have concentrated throughout the morning. The director of Emakunde, Miren Elgarresta, has attended the Presidency of the Basque Country: "Institutions, citizens, families, companies, educational centers, media, associations... The prevention of male violence must be a priority in all areas," he said. He also referred to the speeches that reject male violence: "These speeches are gaining ground, especially in digital media, and youth is their target audience. We have to be vigilant, but we cannot forget that the majority of our society, and the majority of our young people, are in favour of equality and see male violence as a serious problem. This gives us strength to continue to move towards a society free of violence against women."
Goldatz talde feministak antolatua, ortziralean, urtarrilaren 3an, Jantzari dokumentala proiektatuko dute Beralandetan (17:30ean) eta biharamunean, urtarrilaren 4an, Berako bestetako tradizioak aztergai izanen dituzte Maggie Bullen antropologoarekin leku berean (10:30).
Ander Magallon, Mikel Irure eta Xabier Jauregi Metropoli Forala saioan egon dira maskulinitate berrien inguruan mintzatzen.
When the heteropatriarchal capitalist colonial system is questioned and fought, it attacks mercilessly. Using all the tools at your disposal to strengthen, strengthen and consolidate institutional power, media, justice, language, culture, violence...
In Switzerland, where every... [+]