Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Violence as a central axis, this Wednesday kicks off the contemporary theatre and dance festival in Bilbao

  • The BAD festival, organized by the City Council of Bilbao, will be held between 17 and 28 October in six scenarios of the city. The Bilbao Theatre and Contemporary Dance Festival will offer four premieres at the Campos Theatre with artists such as Sandra Gómez, Blanca Arrieta, Isaak Erdoiza or Pablo Fidalgo. In addition, BAD has reserved a space for productions with an international trajectory such as Archive, choreographer Arkadi Zaides, or My Only Memory, by Juan Domínguez.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

17 October 2018 - 10:09
Israeli egindako kritika da Arkadi Zaidesek BADen aurkeztuko duen koreografia.

Among the premieres is Todo por los aires, one of the Valencian companies selected in the 2018 Circula by Sandra Gómez, which will be premiered on October 20. The second premiere will be on October 21, with the show Lazio, by the choreographer and ballerina Alavesa Blanca Arrieta, in Vitoria-Gasteiz. A series of approaches, with creation.

The Champs-Elysées Theatre will host the MASA of Isaac Erdoiza on October 27 in the Multipurpose Hall. This work has the collaboration of BAD, one of the projects selected in the last edition of the program to support the stage creation “Artists in Residence” that is convened annually by the City Council of Bilbao. The final premiere will be on October 23, with Anarquismos (A clearer river runs through the room), by Galician Pablo Fidalgo, a co-production between BAD and other festivals and theatres from Portugal, France and Galicia.

The programming of the Campos Theatre will be completed with other proposals within BAD that will reach Euskadi, such as My Only Memory, by Juan Dominguez, and the Archive, by the choreographer Arkadi Zaides, who has participated in festivals around the world and has aroused criticism from Israel, which proposes an artistic analysis of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


17 October

Germinal documentary. Carmen Fernández e Inés Bermejo. 18:00 Rekalde Room.

18 October

My father was not a famous writer, a stage documentary. Barbbara Bathtubs At 19:00, in the La Foundry room of Bilbao.

My Only Memory. Juan Domínguez. 21:00 Campos Theatre.

19 October

WORKSHOP: Heartbeat. Sandra Gómez. At 16:00, in the San Francisco Municipal Center.

Among what is not, it is not here. Juan Domínguez. 19:00, Bulegoa z/b

Hori fins things. Eva Guerrero / Doos Colectivo. At 21:00, at the Champs-Elysées Theatre in Vitoria.

20 October

Flipper.Unplush At 19:00, in the room La Foundry de Bilbao.

All through the air. Sandra Gómez. At 20:30, at the Campos Theatre.

21 October

Farci.e. Sorour Darabi At 21:00, in the room La Foundry de Bilbao.

22 October

Sayonara Baby. Kanpai Natalia de Miguel y Jorge JAuregi Allue. 20:00 Pabelloi 6

23 October

Two parallel studies of solitude. You & Me Productions. 11:30 Room Rekalde.

25 October

Networks. Organik dance theatre. At 19:30, in Babello 6, in the Kursaal Auditorium.

Oh! Now! Macarena remembers Shepherd. At 21:00, in the room La Foundry de Bilbao.

26 October

Two parallel studies of solitude. You & Me Productions. 11:30 Room Rekalde.

Tutuguri. Flora Detraz. At 19:30 a.m., in the La Foundry room of Bilbao.

27 October

MASS. Isaak Erdoiza. 20:00 Campos Theatre.

28 October

Plafplaf! Baro D'evel. 20:00 Pavilion 6

This news was posted by and we brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.

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