The five Members of the PNV will therefore approve Pedro Sánchez’s investiture in the vote next week. The only Member of the Canary Islands Coalition has announced that it will do so too. Thus, Sánchez will receive 179 votes in favour and 171 against. The socialist Member, Patxi López, has reported that the PNV is “preferential partner”, and that is why he has been in the act of signing Sanchez himself, who has not acted this way with the other parties.
The nationalists have announced great advances in the negotiations of competences that have not yet been passed, in the recognition of self-government, in the framework of labor relations and in the strengthening of the Basque country.
No specific question is mentioned, but according to the sources in the document, the transfer of competences that are missing must take place within a maximum of two years. The Ertzaintza would acquire port surveillance and more competence in the investigation of environmental crimes. In the economic field, compromises have been agreed to modify the concert and EUR 100 million have been agreed for the Basque country to make progress in new technologies.
Ortuzar has reported that progress has been made in investments, infrastructures and measures and rights that improve the lives of citizens.
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