Ainhoa Agirreazaldegi:
Verso on the head
verse on your fingers
have visited regularly
at specific times
Andalusian link
keeping them in salt
along this way
in squares
your hands are there
in our own footprints.
Alaia Martin:
Inaxi, a runway
You're on land.
in your space ...
Even though they're past
your voice
in the future.
Amaia Agirre:
Nest of a model
was Oikia
word craftsman
even if the bar is denied
and theater
you'll have
place for us
to us
Amaia Iturriotz:
You go Iñaxi ta
we're not happy
sing of men
languid word
has emptied against
voice and background
thanks in silence
It's not to stay.
Ane Labaka:
Who is the precursor?
To whom avant-garde?
Who has come?
Passion, picardy...
Putting the squares into the shadows
We tell them light.
Your value.
Eli Pagola:
Since you were bertsolari
Let's start with the verses.
put good lots on the head
After that, he writes elegantly.
singing like little birds
you walked Iñaxi
thank you too
What is it about studying by heart?
Erika Lagoma:
The inability of yesteryear,
fear and sin.
the appearance of today dazzles you
The acolyte world.
It has cracked the melody
forced silence.
From the last point of your verses
- He started our singing.
Stitxu Eizagirre:
A woman in the plaza
hear his word
in the dark of Franco
Oh, what clarity!
The verses of Basarri
You said:
of the Judgment of the Men
You have released us.
Hodei Unzueta:
An energetic woman,
brave, unparalleled,
laughing rhymes,
Tell me in the answers!
For the Basque Country
very dear person
mother, grandmother, grandmother
You have left your legacy...
Thanks to Inax
Thank you
love for you
the heart is full,
Follow your journey:
Rebel and free!
* Note: Bertso sung at the funeral of Inaxi Etxabe.
Iratxe Ibarra:
When you know your news
what a surprise, what a joy
singing in the plaza
rarely playing the ball.
Your route
We got the ovation.
also us your roots
We came from him.
Izarne camp:
This statement today is for you
Girl from the Oikia neighbourhood
we haven't reached the point where we're
on our own
take your way
the plaza is changing
between the roles
displace the axis
You can mute a voice.
Don't spend the pencil!
Maialen Lujanbio:
The Great Story
people and things
through him was heard
There was a voice thread ...
and we, the ones we thought we were
all strength and common sense
your echo
We keep walking.
Nahikari Gabilondo:
Women of the world of Bertsolaris
Of course you're an example.
you don't hear the squares
a strong, fine voice.
In your striped notebooks
has not been left blank
secret effort,
we wouldn't be
If you hadn't been you, too.
* Note: Bertso sung at the funeral of Inaxi Etxabe.
Nerea Ibarzabal:
Ai, "Oikiako neska"
Fast, independent...
It was shining in verses.
unique singing
if somebody does
by temptation
I got it quickly.
a lot of debalsas
don't worry
Inaxi Etxabe
there will be no vertigo
No answer!
Oihana Iguaran:
Deaf bertso
so much of
you in us
I want you though
new ways of seeing
By enlargement.
García Onintza:
Although at the moment
Because you're Iñaxi
move away from us,
but here's the choice
would grab her
as many as you have been
girl model
news for young people
We give them to you.
Rosa Lertxundi:
On the street, txistu, party
The Basque Country Jaia is the Great Festival
in the church, you are on the altar
sing verses sweetly
every year a date, every year
Praise the Virgin
woman, bertsolari
Faith as a special ally
beautiful pink underdeveloped
have had Iñaxi
Uxue Alberdi:
I saw you
Paseo por Zarautz
and the wind passing by
I used to feed.
Mrs Maculada
crutch in me
and what I know.
Permanent cabellera
soft skin
what is the vanguard
He explained.
Thank you very much, Inaxi.
Playful Language:
look, where we came from
And what we know about it.
Kristina Mardaras, beste gauza askoren artean, bertsolaria da. Euskal Herriko Bertsolari Txapelketa Nagusian parte hartu zuen lehen emakumea izan zelako da ezagun, bertso munduan. Baina, baita hamaika bertso-saiotako antolatzaile eta entzule gisa ere. Izan ere, plaza utzi zuen,... [+]