Inaxi Etxabe (1933, Caserío Soutz of the Oikia neighbourhood) is an outstanding and refined speaker in the media interviews, as when he spoke in public. In the Bidegileak collection, Nikolas Aldai writes about the life of Inaxi Etxabe, and Aldai says: "Being bertsolari was one of the things appreciated at Soutz and Oikia. But the woman bertsolari was something else. According to Iñaxi, the woman could not start singing in the bars and bertsos of that time. If not, it would soon be done with a good reputation! What a jerk! But Miguel Strogoff didn't find out and would soon add similar things to him. That's why in the bar and Iñaxi never sang."
With a sharp humor, Etxabe pointed out the borders and red lines of the time for Bertsolaris women. But he looked for ways to make it his own. This was communicated to Gorka Erostarbe in an interview held in Berria in 2015: -I don't feel great pity I haven't been in the coffee. I have done my best. In the same interview he commented on the joy of the Bertsolari woman having proliferated in recent years: "It's going on many days, it's amazing, and I feel tremendous joy. I also told Maialen [Lujanbio] that once she was a little girl, she came here at a Basque party, and I saw her on the street. -Maialen, go ahead, eh, go ahead. I gave him encouragement. When she won the txapela, I jumped at home.
He had sewn in the tailoring of Municio's field and then he was raised by the bertsolaris singing male for his whole life. Suddenly they didn't do it, but they did sing the verses they knew in memory. In 1956 he won the Arantzazu Continuous Verse Award, which was organized to commemorate the Holy Year of the Virgin of Arantzazu: 500 prize pesetas.
The first public event took place in 1956, during the annual friendly meal of the Third Order of San Francisco: According to the Bertsozale Elkartea Association Database, "there were Basarri and other Bertsolaris". He then sang in the Antonian film of Zarautz, together with Inazio Jauregi of Oikia, at a meeting organized by the Third Order: "But not one another." Inazio sang his own and I, my own, declared in the newspaper. Shortly afterwards, Etxabe sang in an act for girls organized by the Agirretxe Priest (and from there, almost every year). Again in Arantzazu, when he went to do spiritual exercises...
In 1963, Antonio Arrue went to his house on behalf of Euskaltzaindia to ask him to sing in a recital in the Plaza de la Trinidad de San Sebastián with young bertsolaris. He left and sang a verse, but the rain began and the performance ended.
As in bertsos, Etxabe excelled in the sport of childhood. The Bidagileak collection shows that as a child he dominated by hand in the fronton of Oikia, and that when he played he was often watched by masters, priests and the mayor of the neighborhood.
In 1955, bertsolari Basarri published in the journal Anaitasuna a branch entitled Aitona-Malkoak: Amaitasuna, and Etxabe gave her back. This was explained by Etxabe himself in the recital of musicated bertsos that he made on 18 July 2013 at Motxian Street in Zarautz (here you can see the video): "The third order of San Francisco took a page every month and on that page Basarri recited the verses, exposing the women's faults, the biggest faults, the most terrible. (ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja). And when I saw those verses, I said I wouldn't leave him alone. I answered him on another page, a few months later, explaining the man's faults. That was it. We had never spoken together. Basarri had never spoken to me, and I did not dare to go to see her, she looked so small at her side! He always said 'ayo' to me on the street, and I also said 'ayo'. But I had spoken to my brother when he went to Patxi Barbero's barbershop, and one day Basarri said to him, Your sister answered me very well.
Here's the answer to Basarri:
Mr Basarri, you have
lover of a noble
with him
frequently treated
and you accept it
what she tells you.
I have read it well
You've put it in verses.
And now, my God! Oh my God!
"Oh my God!"
You've left us women
regarded as very bad
all the misery in the world
I threw it into my neck.
Do you have men?
Treated like very holy?
against the good, in what sense
now I'm missing
There's a lot of bad vice.
in the attention of mankind
The gaze is me
communal bar in atony
you see it every day
delighted to drink
out of curiosity
for its own good.
They will not stand or stand
His pockets had been rotten.
Arrival on Sunday morning
There was always one thing in the head.
can't hang out
"In Txikiteo."
They'll set up for midday
as a net;
you'll talk about beautiful letters
Then, around them.
I can't measure the sounds
What damage do you do!
You also see novels.
today in the hands of many
I would say that women
not know how much you spend
cigarettes and cinemas;
again in the game without saying anything
Bars and Plazas.
There is no lack of poverty.
Then in many places.
Noranai juai nai nai
they do not lack money;
Bear women
He is not safe from paying his debts.
What's missing at home
because they don't
THE GIRLS!, next time
a straw served
There's nothing good today.
In 1999 the Bertsolaris paid tribute to him on the day of Basarri's funeral, and there Inaxi Etxabe sang. He sang this verse to him:
Since you were bertsolari
that was a gift
It's not easy for them to flourish.
Infinite happiness
The Lord reward you.
We will act down here
And you sing from above.
In the Bidegileak collection you can read the following two verses of Inaxi Etxabe in 1991, on the occasion of Women's Day:
It's been women's day
8 March this year
so you're here
A subject to say something.
It manifests around the world
I would like somewhere to separate ourselves.
When the woman will have
What do you deserve?
That what happens doesn't have us
I hadn't forgotten that.
Hard, but that's right.
It often stands out.
Working without measurement
But that's not paid.
of Women ' s Slavery
She's been tired of living.
He sang this verse, with the hat just put (here you can hear the song):
How nice the winner is
put on a beautiful cap
and for him, nothing to say
such consideration
discuss in your work
and get it done
I want you to look there
And enjoy with it. (aa)
Carmen Larrañaga interviewed Etxabe in the 15 issue of Bertsolari magazine and, at two issues of it, wrote a report based on another interview in the 17 issue of Bertsolari magazine (17-02-1995). At the end of the interview, Inaxi Etxabe sang the following verse:
Old stories
general confession
has been carried out shortly
around me
my deposit
has flushed it.
The bertsos program Hitzetik Hortzera of the Basque Telebist interviewed him in March of this year and offered a full program to his life and career as bertsolari.
The funeral will be held at the parish church of San Juan Bautoulouse-Aita Frantziskotarrak in Zarautz, at 19:30 hours.
Kristina Mardaras, beste gauza askoren artean, bertsolaria da. Euskal Herriko Bertsolari Txapelketa Nagusian parte hartu zuen lehen emakumea izan zelako da ezagun, bertso munduan. Baina, baita hamaika bertso-saiotako antolatzaile eta entzule gisa ere. Izan ere, plaza utzi zuen,... [+]