Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Carnival Calendar 2024

  • The shells and the masks have started almost the year and follow other carnival parties. The earliest are held in January, but this year most carnivals come very soon. Thursday 8 February will be Gordo Thursday and Tuesday 13 Carnival. Beware! It is Tuesday 13, and according to a Spanish proverb, the days on which he adapts on Tuesday and 13 do not fit to marry or embark. Otherwise, Tuesday's carnival is bad or worse, and the representation of it is the dolls that end up in the fire. Sadly, it is the last day of carnival in many places, the end of the season of libertinage and libertism. But more than thinking about the end, it's better to enjoy the possibilities of party and dance in that interval.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

31 January 2024 - 07:00
Inauteriak, Damak, Erratzu, 2020-02-25. Argazkia: Maite Eizagirre - Dantzan
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Here's the base calendar of the 2024 carnivals. But remember that carnivals are usually a little naughty, that you can't tie the short meadows of the party. Please note, therefore, that before going to any place it is appropriate to confirm the celebrations, and that, nevertheless, the forecasts are not always met... but that is what we like about carnivals, right?


In 2024 the main dates of the carnival will be:

  • 8 February, Gordo Thursday, Egan zuri, Orakunde, Urdelardero, Emakunde, Otsaliko, Sasikoipetsu,...
  • February 9, Friday, Friday Delgado, Caldereta regular...
  • 10 February, Saturday, Carnival, Zaldunita Eve...
  • February 11, Sunday, Carnival Sunday, Carnival Sunday, Zaldunita...
  • February 12, Monday, Carnival Monday, Monday...
  • 13 February, Carnival Tuesday, Carnival Tuesday, Asteartita, Asteartiñabete, Aratuste martitzena...


Carnival Calendar 2024

27 January, Saturday
8 February, Fat Thursday


9 February, Slim Friday

10 February, Carnival Saturday

11 February, Carnival Sunday or Zaldunita

12 February, Carnival Monday

13 February, Tuesday of Carnival

16 February, Friday

17 February, Saturday

18 February, Sunday

24 February, Saturday

2 March, Saturday

3 March, Sunday

9 March, Saturday

Sunday, 10 March

17 March, Sunday

23 March, Saturday

31 March, Sunday

Sunday, 7 April

Sunday, 14 April

21 April, Sunday

27 April, Sunday


Masks, Cascabeles, Libertamentos and Santibates



Note: Remember that this calendar is of reference, because when publishing the calendar we were unable to confirm some celebrations, as many carnivals are organised at the last minute (sometimes it is not known what will be done...), so we could not confirm before going anywhere. If you want to correct or complete something, put the answer below. Enjoy the carnivals!

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