The statements by Iñaki Subijana, president of the High Court of Justice of Gipuzkoa, Bizkaia and Araba on torture in El Diario Vasco, have generated a stir. During the interview they asked him about the designation of victims of torture as victims of the State and the Lehendakari responded: “They are not equal victims, some are victims of ETA, victims of a terrorist organization, others are victims of cyclical violence, outside the structure of the state.”
Documents published by the governments of Vitoria and Pamplona, which contain almost 6,000 cases of torture, say the Egia Zor Foundation, that torture was a measure used by the state. Rejects the attempt to understand torture in isolation: “Denying torture for decades and not taking legal steps makes it clear that it was a systematic state practice.” He stressed that the police, forensics, the media and judges were essential.
“They are all victims and must be acknowledged, but they are at different levels,” said Subijana. According to the Foundation, the statements are “very serious” and manifest the policy of states regarding rights as tortured persons.
The following are the questions and answers from the Egia Foundation (via X):
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“In the newsletter today at noon, you will see the mayor of your capital, offering the main plaza of the city to the military body that tortured us. In today’s information at noon, you will see the structure that murdered our friends and relatives unravel through our... [+]
“In the newsletter today at noon, you will see the mayor of your capital, offering the main plaza of the city to the military body that tortured us. In today’s information at noon, you will see the structure that murdered our friends and relatives unravel through our... [+]