Iñaki Segurola worked for years the Basque General Dictionary, as well as the Basque Historical-Etymological Dictionary. He has been a member of the Basque Language Academy since 1991. He wrote about the philosophy of the Basque Country in the essay Sed quia sua (2020, Erein). Kepa Matxain interviewed at ARGIA about this book: "We are no longer able to transmit a living language.
The first attempt was made in 2005, with Alberdania: Today is not going to make the time to die either. Nere gorringotik (2008, Alberdania) and Zergatik ez dago (2012, Alberdania) wrote below. Below you can see the interview made by Mikel Asurmendi in ARGIA on this last topic (and here reads it):
His latest work is the dialogic novel Koiteretzia (2021, Alberdania). He wrote during the lockdown, where he collected the interviews and views of the citizens who were at the time when they were going to search for food.
Also in the radios it was a known voice. In recent years, Hanka has conducted a free Lurrin radio program on Eztarrixe radio (here are all the programs). This radio programme won the ARGIA Prize in 2020. In the video, from 16:20 hours, you can see the moment and the concert of Segurola laughed:
In the Arratsean program of the Basque Country, Irratia participated for more than ten years in the opinion section Sermoia de la teleserie.
The civil farewell event will be held on the afternoon of April 16 at 19:00 at the Tanatorio Carmona de Azpeitia, Farewell Lounge.
Plazara, AEK, Uda Leku, Dindaia eta Ebete antolakundeak Baionan elkartu dira Famili'on egonaldi ibiltariaren lehen edizioa aurkezteko. Hizkuntza mailaren arabera eskaintza bat edo beste egongo da eta haur zein gurasoentzat izango da udaberrian.
Hamahiru ZirHika kide batu dira hitanoaren erabilera aldarrikatzeko eta antolakundearen ekintzen berri emateko. Azalpenak Badihardugu elkarteko Idoia Etxeberria eta Galtzaundiko Uxoa Elustondok egin dituzte. Horiei, Andoni Egaña eta Amaia Agirre bertsolariak eta... [+]
Administrazio Epaitegiak arrazoia eman dio EH Bilduk Lizarrako plantilla organikoaren hizkutnz profilen aurka jarritako helegiteari.
Ilbeltzeko igande goiz batez jo dugu Baztanera. Eguzkiak oraindik ez du Lekarozko plaza argitu; bertan elkartu gara Garbiñe Elizegi Narbarte, Itziar Torres Letona eta Ernesto Prat Urzainkirekin. Itzaletan hotz egiten du eta umorez goxatu dugu lehen agurra, hogei urtean... [+]
Hizkuntzarako ere gurasoak haurrentzako eredu direla kontuan hartuta, euskararen erabilera eta irakaskuntzari buruz sentsibilizatzeko helburua duen hamabostaldia antolatu dute Hendaia, Urruña, Donibane Lohizune eta Ziburuko herriek. Martxoaren 15etik 30era guraso... [+]