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Basque prisoner Iñaki Arakama and former fugitive Agustín Azkarate are at home

  • Iñaki Arakama has been released after spending the past 24 years in prison. Former fugitive Agustín Azkarate has returned to Errenteria after more than 30 years of exile, where he has been a refugee since 2008.

26 April 2021 - 10:17
Iñaki Arakama Zaballako espetxe kanpoaldean bere senideekin batera. Argazkia: Etxerat.

According to ETXERAT, the Basque prisoner Iñaki Arakama left Zaballa prison in Donostia-San Sebastián on Sunday. Arakama was a member of the ETA negotiating committee during its negotiations with the government in Algiers. Arakama was deported in 1989. He remained in the Dominican Republic for several years, until in 1997 he was handed over to the Spanish Government by his government, together with Eugenio Etxebeste and Peio Gantxegi. Since then he has gone through several prisons, spent the last few years in Seville prison, but for the last few days he had been transferred to Zaballa prison.

In the case of Agustín Azkarate, after more than 30 years of exile, he has visited his family in Errenteria. Sortu has reported that he was arrested in 1986 by the Civil Guard and that he suffered severe torture in the centre of the capital. They've returned 200 citizens who had to flee Euskal Herria. There are currently 41 fugitives around the world, eight deportees.

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