The reasons for writing on negative issues were pretty forceful, but the moments for tackling them will come back, sooner rather than later. Now is the time to pick up your eyes.
"I'd like to be a pastor," he says. You have addressed the story with a hypothetical condition, with which I have had enough to detect that you do not see the future of sleep. I'd like to, but it's very difficult. I don't have land. I don't have a house. I don't have -- options? Sometimes the hypothetical condition is that of a canyon, very canyon.
However, your eyes do not lie and you live the herd inside. Perhaps, without being very clear about what that means. Or yes, you know, because you've seen it in the eyes of that other. That's when I start asking, trying to move your hypothetical to the real one. After every refusal of yours, my backwater. In the last one, I, that there is no single model for the installation of pastors, that there are also people who work in the collective. And I've told her about the birth of this farmhouse. Also invite your house to speak quieter.
But with you it has been different: "I want to be a pastor and I'd like to know." You're in the process of exploration because you suspect, or because you know, there's possibility. In the grandmother's house or on the grounds that a friend has, I don't know, but you know it. It says that you lack knowledge, that you would like to try to live a time in a flock of sheep. They say you've already seen that we're on the wwoof network... I have told him that in us summer is not the best time to walk among the sheep, that it is better to come in the childbirth, which is as intense as it is beautiful. And hard, of course. In that we stayed, you will come visit to meet the others of the house.
In the car, on the way home, I'm happy. I spend the miles remembering their words, and the inside tells me, over and over again, that there is hope. Also in this trade. Indifferent in the hypothetical or the real. As soon as I enter the kitchen, I have told you that I have met you. They also rejoice because they wedge with the sheep.
Contrary to what many people say, the fact that you know me confirms that there are young people, and not so young, who are seen in the farmhouse and with a flock of sheep. Those of us who fail are certainly us, the baserritars, in our small country, because we fail to respond to that vocation and the right to food in this country. Not the Administration for the most part. Because it does not limit speculation on land, because the criteria of subsidies lead you to indebtedness, because it leaves a lot of work out of the agricultural labour unit, because it also applies the conditions imposed on the industry ...
The scavenger finishes his job. Their collaborators run out of strength. And to me, time. I have already told you, I have come here in extremis.
In any case, I do not want to end without thanking, to check with the gaze that there is a future.
The day of the pastor of Huarte explained that Euskal Herria has been awarded the recognition to participate in international sheepcutting competitions. The officiality occurred at the 2023 World Championships in Scotland, as a result of the dossier presented by the Basque mozas... [+]