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Pea in the garden, whim and treasure

10 June 2021 - 04:33
Last updated: 06:49
Ilar zarbak baratzean ihartzen uztea eta lurrari nahastea onuragarri da, nitrogenoa zabaltzen duelako. Argazkia: Matteo Regla Dorronsoro.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

It's not pea, it's not a lie. At least peas, onions and cannabis have been used to lie. What hemp! A big onion! Nice lightning!

It is not that the pea season (Pisum sativum) is over. The pea does not support heat. I am, too. When the heat comes, I'm not worth half. A hot pea kills him. It grows with the cold of winter and flourishes with the freshness of spring and bears fruit. It has gone into shape and, unless there is any other in some corner, this year it will be difficult to find a new pea. Let us not forget that more and more are being collected from freezers.

The bush that has given us these beautiful Jews when the time of peas is over, or almost or completely dry, is in the garden. As it is threaded in the closet, on the stick or on the net, the habit of pulling and leaving with them is widespread. But you can do better.

The pea, like the rest of the legumes, has in its roots special bacteria as guests. They help each other and they're both happy. These bacteria take the abundant nitrogen in the air and chain it to the ground in the form of ammonia. It will then become nitrate, with which plants will produce amino acids, which are necessary for protein formation. When the pea bush withdraws, it is the source of all these nitrogen substances. If it burns the bush all these items will be lost. If we throw them into the pile, we bring them down and we bring them down, we bring them down and we take them to the next fertilizers. It would be best if the brawls were to be mixed there with the land, that just as the brawls would leave their roots and that the generosity of their nitrogen would be appreciated for the vegetables that follow it. It is best to put the vegetables that we eat the leaf, because it is in them that the best use is made of that N. This magnificent work of the pea and the legumes of his family expressed it very well in the book Laborantza, to live better in agriculture, published in 1963 by the Benedictine agronomist Adrien Gachiteguy: “Plants, round leaves, legumes (lucerne, trefla...) have in their roots truncated with microbins enriched with azotes.” Lucerne or alfalfa (Medicago sativa subs. Sativa) and trefla or clover (Trifolium spp.) mentions the things of the pea family, but there are many.

Even Guisante himself brought an unexpected favor. Almost everything we know about genetics is due to research carried out by Austrian Gregor Mendel in the 19th century with peas. Also he, abbot...

If you want to eat like a priest, the saying does not deceive the Priest and the Priest, and if you want to eat fresh peas saying goodbye to the summer and welcome to the fall, sit it on the moon this month and the next. The best short peas and the best days the morning of 25 and 26 June and the afternoon of 3 July, the morning of 4 and 5. As a last option on 23 and 31 July. Take advantage of it.

Photo: Matteo Dorronsoro Rule.

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