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Big moon or sun

  • In our ports it is called “sectioning” or “threshold”, but it does not belong to the fish they catch, but for those who sail it is well known. Its shape is flat and oval, with the mouth open at all times, remembering the face of a balloon fish. At the bottom, two fins that will make the body taller than it does, one up like the tails of the aircraft and one down like the keel of the sailing boats. It might look obsolete, but at birth most fish 500 million years later, it's one of the youngest in fish evolution -- and the largest in bony fish.
Argazkia: Eneko Bachiller.

22 January 2024 - 07:22
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.
Atalua (Mola mola)

Group: Vertebrate / Fish

Size: 1,50-1,80 meters (females > males)

Where does he live? In the oceans around the world or near the coast. Young people in groups, alone or with another section in adulthood.

What do you eat? Slender animals (especially symphony and jellyfish), fish, zooplankton, crustaceans and molluscs.

Level of protection: It has been on the Red List of Vulnerable Species since 2015, due to the risk of accidental catches. You cannot fish.

A single female may contain about 300 million eggs that will release about 5 million in each burn (there are no other vertebrate animals approaching that amount). This increases the chances of some of these eggs becoming adults, and this is probably the most important strategy for the survival of the species. If one manages to dodge each egg as a food for marine predators, it must pass a double larval phase (most fish only have one phase): in the first, at 1.5 millimeters, it has the form of a globose of familiar, round and thorny belonging, while in the second, it is crushed and takes the form that adults will have, at 3-4 centimeters. This individual, if he survives, will multiply his weight by 60 million times to an average weight of 1.5–1.8 meters and a ton. As if a person reached 50 elephants. So its surface can reach 7 centimeters thick, and we've seen specimens of 3 meters and 2.5 tons.

Along the oceans of the world, both on the coast and in the open sea, the fragment can be seen in different ways, at least when it flows near the surface of the water. When she's swimming, she takes the dorsal fin out of the water like a shark. Other times “lying” appears on the surface of the water. Thus, it offers seabirds and fish a menu of 40 parasites that stick to their surface. When he wanders at night, he is shining in front of the fishermen’s lights, perhaps from here his name “sunfish”. The British, for their part, looked at the image taken during the day as “sunfish”. These sunsets regulate body temperature. In fact, although the section generally feeds on slender animals (mainly jellyfish, sauces and symphonophores), during the day it usually submerges to depths of between 500 and 800 meters in search of other fish and seabed invertebrates such as crustaceans, molluscs and fissures. These trips may reach temperatures below 5 degrees, so it is necessary to return to the water surface and warm it to the sun.

This fish has some respect for fishermen. As a slow animal, it is often stuck in fishing nets (it is declared as a species of special risk for by-catch). On the contrary, the parties usually return to the sea, usually alive. Less bad than fishermen, or if they have too much cartilage and too little meat (i.e. our culinary preferences).

The most modern fish in the world we can see with surprise in documentaries is closer than we think. Although the largest specimens are in more tropical waters, in autumn in Getaria there have been banks of juvenile chapters of more than 200 specimens (“meeting point” in front of the San Antón lighthouse? ). Continuing with the large numbers, if as the seas are heated they are filled with jellyfish, it is estimated that in the northeastern Atlantic atalus can consume 2,600 tons of jellyfish daily. Big, slow and curious, but still quite unknown. Maybe better.

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