Since a young man was injured by the Ertzaintza with a projectile foam at the carnivores of Tolosa (Gipuzkoa), many have gone to the streets to report police violence. On the 17th, in the Plaza del Triangle de Tolosa, the last concentration took place and Jon Pazos, the father of the young man, announced that the young man is already at home.
It is unclear what the consequences are in the short and long term, but Pazos said that the youth is psychologically “very horrified”: “As the crystalline lens has broken it will lose part of the view, but we don’t know how many.”
The possibility of widening the wound in the eye causes them to spend days trying to operate in the eye. However, they haven't been able to do it before because the eye was too big. According to the young man's father, on Tuesday, February 20, he will have surgery.
He has targeted senior officials and demanded that they act with “accountability” and “transparency”: “It is not fair and it cannot be accepted that there is such an attitude and a police model like this today. Enough! See if all this changes at once.”
"Don't shut up, get out on the street."
The Saturday concentration was organized by a group of Amasa-Villabona neighbours and a member of the group took the floor: “Don’t worry, don’t streets, go out into the street and face injustice, because it’s the way to guide future generations to another scenario.” In addition, he thanked the avalanche of solidarity against police violence: “Following these events, a committed Basque society has emerged, in which solidarity and love for excess and pain have prevailed.”
The group of citizens also reported that another 16-year-old was injured in the face the same day by the Ertzaintza: “Enough, enough, it’s time to change things.”
Karen Daniela Ágredok dioenez, atxilotu zutenean berak ez zuen ertzainik zauritu, haiek lurrera bota zuten eta konortea galdu zuen. Ondoren, Ertzaintzaren komisariaren zoruan iratzartu zen eta handik ospitalera eraman zuten.