Five police officers aged 22 to 25 are dismissed in Germany for exchanging Nazi symbols and child pornography. They were all agents of the city of Recklinghausen, Kleve and Bork in the northern part of Rhineland-Westphalia, four of whom were police chiefs.
Recklinghausen Police President Friederike Zurhausen explained that the officers have been impeached for “serious accusations”. The interior minister, Herbert Reul, has also condemned what happened.
In Germany, the spread of Nazism, whatever its purpose, is prohibited. It is therefore illegal to extend the symbols related to Nazism, to praise the leaders of the time and to spread similar ideas.
The ban is inadequate
The German authorities declared the right snout as "the main problem" in Germany in 2020. An example of this is the 105 sanctions imposed in North Rhineland-Westphalia over the last six years, all related to the far-right.
In the same year 2020, the German Government decided to dismiss an entire army team for its “direct relationship” with the neo-Nazi militants. Likewise, between 2017 and 2020, a total of 370 cases were detected in the Federal Police, a topic that the government called “structural problem”.
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The harsh verdict against Proces came out in October 2019 and that set Barcelona on fire. In this context, in the Spanish State, the following sentence was read in the right-wing press: “For the good of Spain, Barcelona should be bombed every 50 years.” It was the phrase of... [+]