The language variable has been used in the study and it has been concluded that there is a relationship between Euskera and forestry values. Unai Pascual is a researcher at the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) and the University of Dylan Inglis Bristol.
The journal Berria reports the news of this study: Pascual e Inglise have analyzed the relationship of the inhabitants of the valleys of Aezkoa, Garazi, Salazar and Zuberoa with those of Irati and Arbaileta. Both researchers have conducted interviews and conducted group discussions, in addition to quantitative analysis of research priorities. Over a hundred people have participated.
They have shown that there is a two-way relationship between the values of nature and Euskera. “This group of people told us that it was very important to enjoy the forest through the names of place in Euskera,” Inglis told Berria. On the other hand, the researcher has stressed that nature is an important part of Basque identity. He stressed that the steps to disseminate the values of nature were already being taken, but without making room for the language.
That language is “important” for the identity of local nature and for the “attachment to identity”, some associate it with the understanding and speech of the Basque Country. Basque Centre for Climate Chang has taken up Pascual’s words: the link found can be “innovative” for the conservation movements of languages and nature.
Pascual e Inglis want to continue researching on the coasts or in the urban areas of Euskal Herria. On the other hand, Pascual considers that a better understanding of the values of nature is essential “to deal with the loss of biodiversity”.
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