Regularly, the debate on the ikastolas sacude Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. In December the Euskal Eskola Publikoa Harro meeting was presented, and a great fire took place. There are people who can’t see the ikastolas in sight, thinking those ikastolas are “private.” In the context of Euskal Herria, it is not the current debate on privacy and publicity, but it seems that some do not want to see that it is not the same the public network of a free people as that of a submitted people. In the CAV it is against ikastolas to think that the political situation of the CAV is normalized and does not depend on Spain, and that “Basque” education does not obey the Spanish Ministry of Education; or, if not, they feel comfortable and dependent on Spain, and are limited to an autonomous region.
Certainly, in public education there are also professors who strive to follow the Basque curriculum. But in this competition between the official curriculum and the Basque curriculum, the Federation of Ikastolas is a fundamental structure, as it is the greatest milestone for its creation and dissemination.
On the other hand, the Federation of Ikastolas is, together with AEK, the largest national organization of Euskal Herria. The Federation of Ikastolas is not an excessively prosperous institution in terms of resources, but if it has enough strength it is because it has ikastolas throughout the Basque Country.
If there were no ikastolas in Gipuzkoa, Bizkaia and Álava (or if they had to operate without subsidy), it would cost them to survive Tudela and elsewhere, and they would suffer well in Sohüta, Donapaleu or La Capital (for example). And the bellows of the Basque curriculum would also blow little wind.
Proud of the Basque Public School, he says that “he wants to claim a single school for the entire Basque educational system, betting as a people on the public, collective rights and equal opportunities for all our children”. As for the entire Basque education system, Navarre and Iparralde have been discarded. This error is based on the vision of country and territory that has been greatly weakened in recent years.
This is, above all, the responsibility of the CAV administration and of the political parties and trade unions working in the CAV policy. Since the problem of Euskal Herria has been completely asymmetrical, since we started to act according to “three realities”, the lack of solidarity and the fact of doing things without thinking together makes some just think about politics depending on the situation of the CAPV.
Therefore, to see the issue of ikastolas only in function of the administrative reality of the CAPV. If this people has to move forward, it will do so among all, but if those of the CAV want to manage everything for themselves, they will put Navarre and Iparralde in great difficulty.
Because, at the heart of that debate on ikastolas, it is not just a question of ikastolas: it also reflects the lack of unity that is manifested in other areas. If our political project is to liberate Euskal Herria from the customs of Spain and France and to build a united country, we have national institutions such as the Federation of Ikastolas.
Obviously, the issue of education is strategic. Complex too, no doubt. But, in fact, Basque education cannot be analyzed and decided from the glasses of that harmful administrative organization that we do not accept. This organization does not serve us to answer the questions and concerns we have. The debate is taking place throughout the territory and with a country view, or we are always falling into the same stone. And disappear as a people.
Eric Etxartek Seaskako lehendakarikide ardura hartu berri du urte hatsarrean, Antton Etxeberri eta Sophie Layusekin batera. Peio Jorajuriaren lekukoa hartu dute hirurek, eta Lehendakarikidetza taldea osatu dute.
In recent decades I have worked in the Basque field, both in the Euskaldunization of adults in AEK, and in the defence of linguistic rights in the Observatory, or in favour of the normalization of the Basque country in the Council of Euskalgintza. Everywhere I have heard... [+]
The SEASKA federation has been able to enter the programme with a hundred more students than last year. With two-year-olds joining in the coming months, the limit of 4,300 pupils will be exceeded. In the first year, the increase is 33 students, but the most outstanding is the... [+]