LAB has shared with ELA data from the Haurreskolak and the public school, and STEILAS has given us a global average: 70-75% follow-up.
From LAB, they have pointed out that in the campus of Álava only five classes with all faculties have been given, in Donostia-San Sebastián a 5% activity has been registered and in Leioa free spaces have been seen. In short, many students have left the street today.
Over 300 meetings
By educational centers, trade unions have held over 300 meetings in recent months with workers, “and this is also the result. In addition, these meetings are part of the general strike, because we have been able to convey our message from center to center, discuss with the workers, and all that awareness work has been a challenge,” ELA stressed.
Parents have responded
STEILAS tells us about the importance of parents in the educational strikes and the involvement they have had in this case: they say that there has been a good response from parents and that many children have not been sent to school.
Teaching staff, signposted
LAB has denounced that the greatest control has taken place in the CAV's concerted religious centres. In several schools, in a note sent to the parents, they have indicated what class they have today and what they do not, that is, which teacher is going to strike and who does not, and they have pointed out that this is to hinder the right to strike, since on the last day the worker can decide to strike. In addition, with these notes “you are somehow pointing to the professor, controlling and seeking division”.
Hego Euskal Herrian arrazoi soziolaboralak edo politikoak direla medio, greba orokor bat deitzeak bere jarduera guztia geldiaraztea bilatzen du. Batzuentzat urtarrilaren 30eko greba orokorra arrakastatsua izan da, eta beste batzuentzat porrota, bakoitzaren betaurrekoen arabera.
Urtarrilaren 30eko Greba Orokorraren biharamunean, grebak suposatu duenaren inguruan hausnartzeko tartea hartu dugu Sonia Gonzalezekin.