This is a group of parents who are starting to meet so that their sons and daughters are old enough to be the first mobiles and reflect on technologies. A new initiative has now been launched: to get schools to declare mobile spaces, they want as many groups as possible to send a letter to the Department of Education, as well as to sign that as many individuals join the initiative.
"We know that the mere fact of having a mobile phone in sight or at hand inevitably draws our attention and that teachers are not in schools to do the police."
Recently, the Basque Government Minister of Education, Begoña Pedrosa, announced a process of debate on the use of mobile phones in classrooms, to be carried out by each center. But instead of leaving the responsibility for each school, the aforementioned groups of parents call for general regulations to keep the cell phone out of school, as has already been done in other territories. “We know that the mere fact of having the phone in the sight or reach of the hand inexorably attracts our attention and that teachers are not in schools to exercise police. In addition, both the faculty and the center themselves are unprotected from the aggressions that occur in the school environment (e.g. photos and videos that are made in classrooms without permission to the faculty, and others)”. In this regard, they stressed the need for a legal framework to provide "means and support" to plant workers: “We cannot leave the decision in the hands of the autonomy of each school.”
Both academically and relationally, “the positive effects of the exclusion of mobiles are not few,” they say, or in other words, “does classroom mobility somehow improve the educational system? The answer is clear: No. There is no solid evidence to support it.”
The Department of Education doesn't understand why public employees have gone on strike. He's got to ask the LAB Syndicate. This union signed an agreement with the department in April 2023. Two years later they have also called for a strike because, unlike the previous ones, the... [+]
Erretiratu berri den lankide-ohi baten omenez, Historiako irakaslea. Bejondeizula!
Hezkuntza-legeek azpimarratzen dute zein garrantzitsua den ikasleengan pentsamendu kritikoa sustatzea. Baina irakasle-klaustroak, garai batean ideien eztabaidarako eta proposamenak... [+]
I received your e-mail in personal mail on the strike portals. At first, like many others, I thought it was to let you know what options we have in the face of the strike. But no, the e-mail received was a political and communicative movement against the strike.
I will confess... [+]