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Young people use inadequate learning techniques

  • Learning the memory lesson, making personal summaries and diagrams, highlighting, explaining the lesson to another person… There are many learning techniques, but ESO students do not use the most appropriate ones, according to one study, and the examination system has something to do with it. Most students also say that no one has taught them how they should learn.
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18 September 2024 - 05:00

Interestingly, the competence “learning to learn” stands out in recent years, but 78% of students say that no one has ever taught them to learn, specifically, they have never explained to them which techniques and methods work best to assimilate knowledge. This is reflected in a study conducted this summer among 3,414 students from 27 Catalan Compulsory Secondary Schools. In order not to be self-taught, the appropriate techniques and study habits from primary schools should be gradually initiated, according to the authors of the research.

Pass the exam vs. enter the lesson

When little is left for the exam, learn the memory lesson, a memorization. This is the technique that young people use most, which makes no one weird. This method can be effective in the short term, but it is an ephemeral learning, because in the future that knowledge is not internalized well, it quickly forgets what the mind has learned from word to word without giving any meaning. Interestingly, young people say they also want to understand what they read, but memorize the lessons. The research also considers the techniques of highlighting in the textbook and reading on two occasions inadequate.

Why does the students mainly use the memorization technique if it is inadequate? Researchers have a hypothesis related to the current evaluation system. Often, to pass the test (and even take a good note) it is enough to learn the lesson in memory in recent days, so that is what students do, understanding that other techniques require more work. What importance do they attach (we affirm) to overcoming the lesson and to the need to really learn the amount, to the incorporation of knowledge?

They are best learning techniques: making summaries and schemes, thinking about examples of lessons read, linking to what we know, asking questions about the lesson for another person, asking us questions…

If we attach importance to this second, that is, if we are looking for deeper learning and to continue in the future, research lists other techniques. First, he says that “interspersed practice” is more appropriate, that is, to learn more than once the same topic, rather than making the marathon of the last moment, in time.

The Council of Ministers of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection, the Council of Ministers of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection, the Commission of the European Communities, the Council of Ministers of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection, the Council of Ministers of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection.

In short, giving meaning and meaning to what you learn makes you adhere better, because our memory is based on the meaning of things.

Finally, the study reveals that one in four students (25.3%) learn music through listening and that almost one in four (24.2%) make many breaks to listen to the mobile while studying. Both situations have a negative effect on academic performance.

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