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Intensive course with Aroztar

  • Even if we don't realize it, every day we have the opportunity to learn (or unlearn, perhaps), with something we've read, with something we've seen, or something someone has told us. It does the same, it is a question of whether or not we heed it. The camp organized by Aroztak has lasted eleven days and, in this way, there have been many lessons for anyone who has approached it or lived close to it. The work has been shattered, but not only that.
Argazkia: Ekinklik. Argazkia: Ekinklik.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Besides stopping the machines, the one who approaches the place will learn the way to strengthen the relationships. That being the same end, it is easier to defend oneself and, in so doing, it strengthens the struggle. Collaboration is possible between ages, generations and different experiences and, more than possible, interesting, necessary, constructive. I would remember that caring for the land is taking care of each other.

You would realize that in a conflict there is not a single center. At one point the center can be a popular wall, but at another the assembly, or the need to secure food, or not to extinguish the fire (without metaphors or metaphors, as you want).

You would realize that oppression has not come by itself and that when you discover the other oppressions that come across it, you have to be alert: language, sexism, old age, paternalism ...

I'd learn that yes, it's possible that it works only in Euskera, which is a reality. I would learn what it is to put the Basque in the centre and that the Basque language is as reversible as any other language, subtitleable.

I would know how important the humor he has is. That we can fight for our sake with humor and against taxation. Why don't we get angry with humor? But I would know (if I had not learned it today) that a conflict cannot be dealt with in peace. That any resistance will have the repressive force there day and night, the repressive force of bad mood.

And you'd realize that fights don't get fatigued. That battles are won, but that the system has the lies well united, the economic repression and any other response.

Like the entire learning process, it hasn't been as simple as it seems, and surely the seed of learning would have fallen into cement sometimes, but we know it would have fallen into well-fertilized grounds, which gives us more desire and strength to continue learning. Waiting for the next intensive course.

You are interested in the channel: Baztango Aroztegia
Toxic relationships
Examples of vertical and asymmetric relationships are many, and we do not always have the same role. In this way, sometimes, some decide and work for the implementation of what is agreed; the rest has the function of carrying out or accepting the decisions taken “above”... [+]

Elurre Iriarte: “Aroztegiaren kontrako kanpainak egiten segituko dugu”

Aroztegia proiektuaren kontrako protesta baketsuetan parte hartzeagatik ezarritako zigorrari aurre egiteko diru-bilketa abiaraziko dutela iragarri du herri kolektiboak.


2024-07-17 | ARGIA
They ask for twenty years in prison and 56,000 euros for seven neighbours of Baztan for the camp against the Carpentry
They are accused of being an "organized criminal group" and of "committing crimes of coercion and coercion" in the context of the camp conducted in Lekaroz in 2021 to paralyze Aroztegi's works.

2022-05-16 | ARGIA
A year after the works of Aroztegi stopped, they celebrate a festival in Lekaroz
& '97; Aroztak has put the harvest name of the sowing on the day. population groups. Among other things, he wished to thank all those who participated in this battle on Saturday’s holiday, on the first anniversary of the resistance.

14 May marks the first anniversary of Aroztegi resistance in Lekaroz
& '97; Aroztak has put the harvest name of the sowing on the day. population groups. Among other things, he wished to thank all those who participated in this struggle with the day of the holiday.

2022-02-16 | ARGIA
Aroztegiko lanak legez kanpo hasi zirela berretsi du Nafarroako Auzitegi Nagusiak
Herritarrek eta Baztango Udalak esandakoa berretsi du Nafarroako Auzitegi Nagusiak emandako epai batek. 2021eko maiatzean abiatutako Aroztegia urbanizatzen hasteko lanak legez kanpo egin zituzten.

2022-01-27 | ARGIA
Aroztegiako proiektuaren aurka egiteagatik, sei herritarrek deklaratu behar izan dute Nafarroako Auzitegian

Elkartasunez, hamarnaka herritar elkartu dira Nafarroako Auzitegiaren aitzinean, "herri baten borondatea ezin da epaitu" banderola plazaratuz.

2022-01-05 | ARGIA
Sei pertsona deklaratzera deituak, ustez Aroztegiako makroproiektuaren aurkako desobedientzia ekintza gauzatzeagatik

Aroztak Herri Ekimenak jakinarazi du sei pertsona epailearen aurretik igaro beharko direla, Aroztegiako makroproiektuaren aurkako protesten harira. Ekimenak babesa helarazi die, eta mobilizazioak deituko dituela iragarri.

2021-09-22 | ARGIA
They condemn a journalist from Ahotsa and Ekinklik for reporting on the Aroztegi protests
The Spanish Government’s delegation in Navarre has condemned two Ekinklik graphic journalists with a fine of EUR six. The Civil Guard, behind the fine, accuses journalists of publishing images that facilitate the identification of agents.

They fined 20,000 euros to the entrepreneurs who starred in a carpentry camp
Ten people have been charged for their participation in the project, which has been dismissed. They have denounced that this is "an attack on an entire people", and have assured that they will "respond as a people" to male violence.

2021-06-08 | Erran .eus
Start fundraising to help the sanctioned in Aroztegi's camp
Last week, Aroztegi’s neighbours faced 10 fines in the protests that took place against the project.

2021-05-19 | ARGIA
Ten Aroztak activists are called to testify
Last Monday, the Civil Guard sent them the summons to make a statement. Two days earlier, on Saturday, hundreds of people participated in the demonstration called by the Aroztak collective against the Carpentry of Aroztegia.

Hundreds of people call in Baztan to paralyze the Aroztegi project
The Aroztak people's initiative has called for a demonstration from Elizondo to Lekaroz to demand the cessation of Aroztegi's macro-project. According to the organizers, around 2,500 people have participated in the march, starting at 20:00.

2021-05-14 | Erran .eus
"About 20 plots included in the Aroztegi project belong to citizenship"
The Astiz family has in the Telleria neighborhood four lands that comprise the project of the Carpentry of Lekaroz. Nekane Astiz tells Ttipi his experience with the company.

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