It is already June, and “once again, in three days they will evaluate all the work done in recent years, condemning the future of the students to play in a single test,” they say from Ikama. They have stressed that this is a process that generates nervousness, discomfort, pressure and false expectations, “assuming the deterioration of not having achieved these expectations”.
Unbalanced filter
“At this time when the learning process is conditioned by the students’ socioeconomic circumstances, selectivity introduces all students into the same group, leaving aside their personal abilities and context”, they point out. They add that the alternative to students who are left out of the parameters these studies mark is private university: “Those of us who cannot accept this solution are left out of the process.”
"We are condemned to memorize, swallow and throw all the content on a paper, seeking submissive, obedient and totally uncritical students"
What is evaluated?
“We are condemned to memorize, swallow and deposit all the content on a paper, seeking submissive, obedient and totally uncritical students. This set of contents also comes from the French and Spanish states”. They consider that this test acts as a “meter to determine the specific characteristics of people who in the future will be working forces” and includes only “students with characteristics of interest of the system”, promoting individualism and competitiveness among students: “They make us empty numbers.”
The student movement remembers that in Iparralde students are still required to take part in French Leave exams.
“We need a liberating education that guarantees the well-being of all pupils and educates critical students and participants. The greatest disobedient attitude towards competitiveness and individualism that drives current educational systems and especially selectivity are collectivization and organization, so foreign examinations are organized and fought,” Ikama said in his paper.
Selektibitatea hurbiltzen ari da, eta ezjakintasuna nabaria da.
Asteazkenean goizeko bederatzietan hasi dira unibertsitatera sartzeko hautaprobak Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan eta Bizkaia, Araba eta Gipuzkoatik, 11.251 ikasle aurkeztu dira guztira.
Selektibitatearen antzekoa, baina LOMCEren curriculumari segituko dion proba izanen da NUPek eta Hezkuntzak prestatuko dutena.