A student is detained at the UPV/EHU campus in Vitoria-Gasteiz on Wednesday, during the March 30 strike propaganda. Gedar is told that a street policeman has followed several students and called the Municipal Police. The officers of the Municipal Guard have attacked the young and one of them has been retained in the Social Work faculty. He was released on Wednesday at dusk.
Ikasle Abertzaleak meets at night to denounce the arrest in the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca de Vitoria. In it he stressed that the police entered the campus "with complete impunity" "once again".
In addition, the communication project Ibaeta Martxan has reported that at the Ibaeta campus on Thursday morning, the Ertzaintza has identified four students who were also propaganda for the strike on March 30.
"Police University"
The DMA denounces that the UPV/EHU is a "police university" because the violation of political freedoms "has no continuity" and "allows police intervention" in the face of "any conflict". Proof of this is Wednesday's arrest.
The organization explained that they had to endure throughout the course "identification, follow-up, threats to open files", but stressed that police repression has increased in the days leading up to the strike. It indicates that the presence of the police in recent weeks is being "completely suffocating" because the campus has been "filled with local police, ertzainas, police in street clothes and safe".
He has also denounced the UPV's "passivity" in the face of Wednesday's arrest. He says that the university "has done nothing" in the face of police intervention and "has cut the information channels" to the members of the organization.
In the strike last March, 34 students were arrested by the Ertzaintza on the campus of the UPV in Vitoria. The AI denounces that the UPV/EHU will open files to these 34 detainees.
Martxoaren lehenengo lanegunarekin batera, komunikabideetan azalduko ez diren aldaketak etorri dira EHUn. Azken Lan Publikoko Eskaintzaren ondorioz, ehunka langile –arlo tekniko eta administrazio zerbitzutakoak– orain arte okupatzen zuten lanpostutik atera eta beste... [+]
Leporaturikoa ez onarturik, eta sare sozialetako kontuak "lapurtu" zizkiotela erranik, salaketa jarri zuen Arabako campuseko Farmazia Fakultateko irakasleak. Gernikako auzitegiak ondorioztatu du ez dagoela modurik frogatzeko mezu horiek berak idatzitakoak diren ala ez.
Lau mila karaktere ditut kontatu behar dudana kontatzeko. Esan behar ditut gauzak argi, zehatz, soil, eta ahalko banu polit, elegante, egoki. Baga, biga, higa. Milimetrikoki neurtu beharra dut, erregelaz markatu agitazioa non amaitzen den eta propaganda non hasi. Literarioki,... [+]
The UPV/EHU Palestine was born with the aim of breaking with all Israeli companies and institutions that are carrying out and working with genocide in Palestine. Israel’s impunity comes from its political, military, economic, scientific and academic relations in Europe and the... [+]