On 13 March, students from the Ikasle Abertzaleak group will strike to "combat business education and impositions". They point out that the educational system controlled by large entrepreneurs and professional politicians aims to make young generations a workforce of the future, so that “a mercantilized educational model based on authoritarianism is being imposed, regardless of the interests of these working students”. They will go to the streets to deal with any imposition of an increasingly “miserable” educational model, placing each step in the direction of the “socialist educational system”.
They invite students to participate in the initiatives they are going to organise in the coming weeks and to fight for the March student strike.
Ikasleen lan politikoa jazartzeko asmoz, Iruñeko Iturraman eta Biurdanan nahiz Bilboko Unamunon izan dira polizia-indarrak, IAk salatu duenez.
Ikasle Abertzaleak taldeak grebarako deia egin du martxoaren 20rako. Negozioen eta inposizioen hezkuntza borrokatu goiburuarekin manifestazioa ere eginen dute 12:00etan Iruñeko Foruen Plazatik aterata. Unibertsitatera sartu aurretik eta goi mailako ikasketak egiterako... [+]