The Diario Vasco presents the draft school planning that is not yet public: The Basque Government wants to reduce the minimum number of pupils to have a class in Early Childhood and Primary Education, not for pedagogical reasons, but because the downward trend in birth rates may hinder the survival of many schools in the future.
The minimum number per class has decreased, but the maximum number has hardly changed. Adjustments will also have to be made, as the draft itself maintains other minimum amounts in Compulsory Secondary Education and Bachiller: a minimum of 17 students per classroom.
In the case of the Eskola Txikiak, the classrooms from 2 to 6 years must have a minimum of 8 students and from 2 to 12 years with 18 students.
What path will the draft follow?
It is up to the Basque Government to determine the School Planning, which will be carried out by decree. However, it is planned to set up a table with the aspects that have agreed on the basis of the Education Act for the CAPV and the follow-up of various decrees, including the follow-up of the School Planning. Therefore, in theory, the groups that have participated in the CAPV Educational Convention would discuss this draft: PNV, EH Bildu, PSE and Elkarrekin Podemos - IU.
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