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III. Plenary in Beijing: the knot is in delay but in hope

  • A year later, the 20th Congress of the Beijing Communist Party began in 2022. III Congress of the Plenary Central Committee

16 July 2024 - 09:20
Itsasontziak edukiontzien terminal batean aparkatuta, Txinako ekialdeko Jiangsu probintziako Taicang portuaren proiektuaren laugarren fasean, 2024ko uztailaren 9an. / Argazkia: VCG.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

To our understanding, perhaps it would be more correct for the name of those meetings of the day – in this case three – to be translated “in the vice-congress” or something like that, because that is what they have. But well, we're not going to start fixing the world.

The fact is that the six or seven plenary sessions held by the Central Committee in the five-year period between two congresses, although they do not have a mandatory timetable, usually have periods of dates enshrined in tradition. And that III (which always refers to economic issues, by tradition) should take place in the spring of last year or, at the latest, in the autumn. As usual.

But as usual, without being sacred, it is not a fruslery in the circumstances of China (not just in politics), as the third plenary session that should be convened by Politak, the top real authorities, the intrigue has been developing. The bulls have not been loose either: If the delay was due to the “crisis of defence ministers”, forced by the crisis of the economy…

The sitting has finally arrived – behind closed doors, of course –. Not only by the expectation, but also by the environment of the protagonists, the expectations are higher than those received: III of 1978 We would be on the doorstep of the deepest economic transformations carried out by the plenary since the beginning of the “opening and reform” under the direction of Deng Xiaoping. Of course, others see the glass in half.

In these cases, each of them is focused on the part that he loves the most, external sources are focused on the world of finance, on the environments of corporate ownership, on the sector of foreign investment... Instead, homeowners use other shades and viewpoints. Always, without breaking the fundamental rule: nothing good should be said of the enemy. It is clear that expectations are very different on both sides.

However, the way in which the two opposing views no doubt evade him in Chapter III is striking. Anyone who has to be one of the main topics for debate in this House, if not the main one: the question of the hukou or the huji. Among other things, because this is something that has already been officially launched, at least in part. With many variants, the home registration system that has regulated the lives of the Chinese – and of the Corinthians, and of the Japanese, and ... – without conditioning it completely.

A custom that seems much more entrenched than the Constitution itself that does not mention it. Not hundreds, it's millenary.

Perhaps for that reason, calling “reform” to transform something like this is not exactly.

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