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Former EH Parliamentarian Bildu Igor López de Muniain dies

  • The parliamentarian López de Muniain and the head of Aralar at the level of Araba in the legislature 2012 to 2016. The disease has led to the vitorian.
Irudia: EH Bildu

20 July 2022 - 11:10

The disease has led to vitorian Igor López de Muniain. He was involved in politics, among others, in the Aralar party and then in the EH Bildu coalition. Between 2012 and 2016 he was an Alavese MEP for EH Bildu. He was also involved in various social struggles.

The coalition has made known the death of its partner, thanking him for what he has done: "A fine and rigorous militant, we will not forget the good times shared." On July 19, López de Muniain died. On the web we can read the greeting written by your friends: "Igor with us forever."

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