Ukraine has killed Lt. Gen. Igor Kirillov, head of the Russian Army's nuclear, biological and chemical protection troops, and his aide, on Tuesday, have reported military sources. The Russian Research Committee has explained that the bomb has been attacked and that the explosion has been recorded on the portal of a building seven kilometres from the Kremlin, hidden in an electric scooter.
The Russian Government has announced that it will open an investigation to clarify the circumstances that have led to the attack on Syria. According to the state agency Tass, the device had a load of approximately 300 grams of TNT. The nuclear, biological and chemical protection forces of the Russian Army operate with weapons of radioactive and chemical components. The attack took place a day after a Ukrainian court, in the absence of Kirillov, accused of using banned chemical weapons against Ukrainian troops, an accusation that Moscow outright rejected.
Ukraine has taken over the attack. The Ukrainian agency Ukrinformatica has cited an anonymous source of its country's intelligence services and described the operation as a "special blow" against the Russian security services. International agencies Reuters and AFP have also released the version in which their compatriots participated. The BBC, for its part, said that Kiev "had as its legitimate objective" Kirillov and justified the action of the Russian general who would have ordered the use of banned chemical weapons against Ukrainian soldiers.
Etxe Zurian edukitako liskarraren ostean, eskainitako laguntza "konponbide batera bideratuta" dagoela ziurtatu nahi du Trumpek. Zelenskiren arabera, Kievek bizirauteko aukera gutxi izango lituzke AEBen laguntza militarrik gabe.
Hala iragarri du Keir Starmer Erresuma Batuko lehen ministroak Londresen eginiko goi bileran. Etxe Zurian Trumpek Zelenskiren aurka egin ostean, izandako eztabaidaren aurrean, Europako buruzagiek babesa adierazi diote Ukrainako presidenteari.
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