After months of waiting, the last missing step for the establishment of a small local entity has come: The Council of Citizens of Igeldo and the City of Donostia-San Sebastián approved the decision. Both entities started the process in 2021 for Igeldo to assume more competences and strengthen local management. As the foral spokesman, Irune Berasaluze, has pointed out, “this is a historic recognition that will allow the full development of the people, respecting their uniqueness and enhancing their management capacity”. There was only a lack of the Council’s stamp in order to give
the green light to the process. The City Council of Donostia-San Sebastian approved in February the constitution of the local minor and 85% of the Igeldotars endorsed the decision in a non-binding consultation held on 14 April. Once the "yes" had been obtained, these results had to be presented to the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa to implement the new management model of Igeldo. “We have a lot of work ahead, starting to shape structures and adapting them to new conditions,” said the Citizen Council.
The transfer of competences will take place in two phases. Together with the creation of the local small entity, it will manage the maintenance of public roads, public buildings, parks and gardens, the promotion of lighting, culture and the Basque Country, sports activities and general administration. After a first phase which will last two years, the objective is to extend management to different areas: urbanism, housing, the environment and the general road of Igeldo.
Udalinfo and social services will also be decentralised during the first year, as will cross-cutting services such as e-government, transparency and physical and electronic headquarters. The management of such management shall be chaired by a management committee in cooperation with the Provincial Council and the City Hall. After the next municipal elections, this commission will be replaced by a local assembly in which the mayor will be elected.
"Igeldoar gisa, nahi al duzu Euskal Estatu burujabe bateko herritarra izan?", galderari erantzungo diote igandean igeldoarrek.
“DSS2016, ongi etorri elkarbizitzaren hiriburura” idatzitako pankarta baten aurrean, hainbat igeldotarrek ekimena egin dute larunbatean Donostiako Maria Cristina zubian.
EAEko Justizia Auzitegi Nagusiak bertan behera utzi du behin-behinean Igeldo herri izendatzeko dekretua, epaia irmoa izan bitartean.
Gipuzkoako Aldizkari Ofizialak gaur argitaratu du Igeldo herrigunea Donostiatik bereizi eta udalerri banandu berri bat eratzea onartzen duen dekretua (pdf).
Igeldo Donostiatik bereizi eta herri bihurtzea onartu du Foru Aldundiak. Gipuzkoako 89. herria izango da bihartik aurrera.
Galdeketara deituak zeuden 883 lagunetatik 637k bozkatu dute: 391 (%61,38) desanexioaren alde azaldu dira, eta 234 (%36,76) kontra. Hamar lagunek zuri bozkatu dute, eta bi bozka baliogabe izan dira.
Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiak berretsi du Igeldoko herri galdeketa legezkoa dela eta igandean (azaroak 10) egingo dela. Espainiako Estatuaren abokatuak EAEko Auzitegi Nagusiari eskatu dio galdeketa debekatzeko, epaitegiz aldatu eta gero.
Espainiako Gobernuak Gipuzkoan duen ordezkaritzak beharrezko ikusten du Igeldo Donostiatik banatzeko kontsultaren nondik norakoak Madrili galdetzea, loteslea izan dadin. Horren berri eman du Donostiako PPko ordezkari Ramon Gomezek. Gaiaren inguruan txosten juridikoa egin... [+]
Igeldoarrek 2013ko urte amaieran izango dute aukera herri izaera hartu nahi duten edo ez esateko. Herri galdeketa egingo dute. Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundiak jarri du martxan igeldoarren iritzia jakiteko prozesua.