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Igeldo will be the small local entity from March 2024

  • In March of next year it is expected that the neighborhood's own affairs will be managed. The project was carried out with the technical support of the company Siadeco and it was agreed after a year of meetings between representatives of the City Council of Igeldo and the City Council.

10 October 2023 - 11:26
Argazkia: Paulo Etxeberria (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Governing Commission will approve today, day 10, the project to set up the Igeldo organisation and will represent an important step in the “decentralisation process”. A period of public information will be available, which will be forwarded to the Provincial Council once the full project has been discussed and a non-binding consultation in the neighborhood has been carried out. The final step would be the registration of the Basque Government. The project was supported by the Siadeco company and by the active participation of representatives of the City of Igeldo and the People's Council.

Mariaje Idoeta, president of the Community and Neighbourhood Action, and Edorta Azpiazu, coordinator of the Transversal Services of the City Council, explained that together this is a “complex transfer process” of about four years, which will be addressed in a phased way. In March of next year it is expected that the neighborhood's own affairs will be managed.

Several competencies are highlighted in the project. The most basic will be immediate transfer: road cleaning, subsidies, cultural programming or maintenance of green areas. Competences on local police, electronic headquarters or register shall be the last to be transferred.

The determinations of Igeldo's budget as Local Minor Entity are already established. “Each competition is associated with economic value,” says Azpiazu. As for investments, he points out that the thousand inhabitants of Igeldo are 0.7% of the Donostiarras, but since it is such a large territory it will receive 1% of the award. It will depend on the size of the occupied land.


Once the agreement has been validated by the Deputy, they must set up a management team composed of five members to take the head of Igeldo until the municipal elections of 2027. In these elections, the voters registered in Igeldo will decide who will be the district mayor. The remaining members of the Managing Commission shall be elected by the political parties that obtain representation at the City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastián, based on the percentage of votes obtained.


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