XV. Cup Championship
Where: In the gaztetxe Hiruputzu (Zarautz)
When: 22 December
Oblique: Aner Peritz, Oier Aizpurua, Alaia Martin, Jexux Mari Irazu, Etxahun Lekue, Aitor Bizkarra, Eneritz Artetxe, Maider Arrangi, Joanes Illarregi and Oihana Arana.
Like a cyclone in a bathtub, obliques are often submerged in a vicious swirl. In the singing of bertsolaris, with the help of musicians, in the trapezheos of beers, putting about four hours -- it's a luxury to have that kind of stable dating.
The Coplas Competition has returned in the new Gaztetxe and with the traditional format recovered. Although the previous capacity is medium-capacity and the cartel has been reduced slightly, maintaining tradition, tickets have been exhausted easily. Ten people in cocks and four others in music, and the usual soundtrack for staging, set with the whimsical presentations of Rocky Balboa, Imanol Epelde and Xabi Aizpurua, have prepared themselves as they could for the boxing struggle to put cooblakaris in the plum plan. Unlike Putzuzulo, they've had a lot of work to fit on the Hiruputzu tab, but they've got fit, they've got to fit and less badly than anyone needed space. Coplas offer the possibility of playing life, not only to the circus, but also to the chickens in size. But the lines are so individual that, when it comes to a given moment, prisoners of the influence of the beers that each one has ingested, grazing and wonderful discussions emerge among the public. It has happened and in some differences between long ufff of a evil smile is so diffuse... And of course, it depends and who throws the pearl to whom and how, tension can occur. That's what the guts are for, and then cover them.
Frog mounted in puddles, jumping in broth. There have also been quite a few frogs, some quite satellites or, each of them, singing. For example, Alaia Martin has been seen at times without entering the environment and Jexux Mari Irazu has therefore to say: There have been a few minutes in which such contemporary issues as Mec de la rue and Flow 2000 have been discussed... To what extent has the frog been lost in the bathtub? He has had a starring moment with Aner Peritz, problematic Arithmetic sounding Xabier Euzkitz. That does make sense. He has also formed a nice performance with Aitor Larra, on the role of robbers and talking about a robbery at Hiruputzu in the last month.
The melodies of Father Saint Michael, the pilgrim of Compostela, the Two Old Girls or the Very Many have the feeling that they let you rejoice and spend moments of hobbies between the joyful, the pearl and the pearl. If you remember something in general, there will be an action in Bizkarra and Periz, in the corpus of Laboa and in the singing, as there has been enough uf, af and fists between the algae to calm a point of tension. However, displacement, displacement and leakage soften when they reach the head. They have sung little of Palestine in the chamber’s work, and they have not been particularly flushed in the face either. From the outside they seem not to have enjoyed too much. But that's what the Copla Championship has, which goes as it goes. And as themes and replicas come, you have to answer. The listener doesn't want a deep copada in a juerga context, and the audience has the ballot paper, the audience decides who to give the cencerro. One of the houses that has recognized in this edition have come to hate Zarautz: Aner Periz.
The free radio Arraio, in addition to broadcasting the program by radio, sent it live by video:
Danel Goikolea Arrasateko bertsolaria urtarrilaren 14an joan da. Hil baino ordu batzuk lehenago, bertso sorta kantatu hau zabaldu zuen lagunen artean. Umore handia darabil eta Pablo Milanesen Yolanda kantu ezagunaren hoskidetasunarekin jolasten du: Holanda du izenburu sortak,... [+]