The Day of Navarra is organised by the Basaizea cultural association, which has announced that it will always be held in a similar way in Baigorri, but in this edition they will pay special attention to the young. The events will be common, but also in the afternoon there will be a bertsos session in the Plaza de Abajo at 15:00 with the bertsolaris Aitor Etxebarriazarraga, Joanes Illarregi, Maddalen Arzallus and Nerea Ibarzabal.
In the music a special effort has also been made for the young and taking into account that the next day is a holiday, May 1, from 21:30 pm onwards Janus Lester, Willis Drummond, Dupla and DJ Üzkülüz will act. In the afternoon, the Broken brothers brass brand will also animate the streets of Baigorri. As usual, there will be morning parade, act and food. In the photo next to the Basaizea you can see all the program details.
The organization has paid particular attention to making Navarra Day a safe place. One woman reported that last year there was sexual assault throughout the night and this year “the resources needed to avoid them will be made available”. In any case, the Basaizea website determined that in the event of an aggression, "immediate response measures" would be taken.
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Baigorri eta Tafalla herrien arteko senidetzea ospatuko dute asteburuan Baigorrin. 1978an hasi ziren lehen harremanak, baina hautetsien aldaketarekin pixka bat galdu zen ondotik. Haatik, duela hiru urte Tafallakoak berriz Baigorrira hurbildu ziren.
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