Aitor Bizkarra, Andoni Egaña, Maialen Lujanbio and Oihana Iguaran will in verse the situations of Saroi Jauregi. The Free Mountains of Gipuzkoa announce that Zizurkil will be a "bertso saioa": "The Bertsolaris will be the most leading players on stage and through them will contrast and listen to different opinions; in short, it is intended to create a calm dialogue between the citizens on the subject, because we all have their opinion. They also want to share the contradictions we all have in everyday life."
Tickets for popular food that will be held after the bertsos session have already been exhausted. The capacity for bertsos session is higher and tickets can be purchased for the moment. For EUR 10 (will of children) are for sale at: Antzuola (Aitz Garbi), Azkoitia (Etxe-Aitz and Atraskua), Azpeitia (Urtzi), Lazkao (Biziola), Elgoibar (Jai Alai and Lanbroa), Itziar (Burugorri), Soraluze (Piarrano and Piestol)
Revenue may also be obtained on the same day, provided that it is postponed.
Environmental activist Mikel Álvarez has produced an exhaustive critical report on the wind macro-power plants that Repsol and Endesa intend to build in the vicinity of Arano and Hernani of the region. In his opinion, this is "the largest infrastructure of this kind that is... [+]
Recently we have had other arguments to convince us of the need for macro-projects in the surroundings of Euskal Herria. An example of this was the article published on the website of the EHNE of Bizkaia to one of the participants of the Ecosocial Jump initiative: "For... [+]
On 3 September the Official Bulletin of Navarre published the announcement by the Government of Navarre announcing the update of the Navarre Energy Plan. This should be an important step for the future of our community, taking into account the importance of energy and its use... [+]
I don't know if we're hit by heat waves anymore, if it's a normal hypocrisy or a systemic logic, but the gap between what we know, what we say and what we do, beyond concern, surprises me, especially in a summer environment. News, research, social media interactions… constitute a... [+]
On 19 March, in the Alondero room in Zestoa, we had an interesting round table on the energy transition organized by the community and renewable energy cooperative Argiola.
The round table was entitled “Energy transition, how?” and for this purpose the organizers invited... [+]
"Elite ekonomiko baten pribilegioak iraunarazten diren aldi berean, konponbide faltsuak eskaintzen dizkigute, egiazko konponbideek beharko luketena onartu gabe: oligarkia energetikoa erabat auzitan jartzea, hazkunde ekonomikoaren aginduarekin haustea, gure eredu produktibo... [+]