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Idurre Eskisabel proclaims his "capital policy" just taken over the presidency of the Council

  • "If the Basque needs something, it is a policy, but it is a policy written in capital letters," with which Idurre Eskisabel has adopted the motto of the Council of Euskalgintza. It has called for bold and comprehensive policies, without partisanship. At the same time, it calls for "deepening the consensus" between the institutions, the cultural agents of the Basque Country and those who want social justice.
Paul Bilbaok hamabi urtez eutsitako idazkari nagusi kargua hartu du asteartean Idurre Eskisabelek. /Argazkia: Euskalgintzaren Kontseilua

06 December 2022 - 15:52
Last updated: 17:54

The Council of Euskalgintza modified the timonel on the 25th anniversary of its creation: Idurre Eskisabel became secretary general, revealing Paul Bilbao, who has been in office for twelve years. He explains that the Council wants to continue pulling the “new era” in which it is immersed on Tuesday in Durango and that its objective will be to “deepen the consensus”: “Consensus with the agents and individuals of the Basque cultural field, with the institutions and with the agents and individuals who are seen outside the Basque Country and the Basque Country but who seek justice and social cohesion”.

Although the Council is sailing in great waters, it is well connected to the land from the three poles, according to Eskisabel: social consensus, universalization of knowledge and creation of a comfortable space of use. It is immersed in a new era, either by new challenges or by demand: “Dominant languages are increasingly becoming larger, more hegemonic; therefore, minority and minority languages require more decision. They are languages that need not only functionality but a great symbolic value,” said the new secretary-general.

Uppercase policy

In this regard, the Batuz Aldatu initiative, promoted by the Council last year, in which over a hundred social players from the Basque and non-Basque industry joined the roadmap for future language policy. It also rejects the idea of removing Basque cultural activity and its impetus from politics: “If the Basque needs something, it is political. But a policy written in capital letters, an open-minded policy with a dimension that goes beyond party restrictive policies and conditioned by electoral cycles.”

Despite the new times and challenges, Eskisabel has recalled that the “ghosts of the past” are still among us: “The Basque Country has no official status in much of its territory. At the official level, the Spanish judiciary has been responsible for fighting the Basque and Basque people.”

The event was held at the same place and date as the Council was established 25 years ago. The “greatest meeting point of the social partners for the Basque Country” has moved the waters and attracted institutional, political, trade union and social representation on the anniversary of the fourth century; among others, Unai Hualde, president of the Parliament of Navarre, responsible for ELA, LAB and Steilas, and representatives of the 30 members of the Council.

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