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Rearmament of anti-militarist ideas

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

We see on television the gross image of a legitimate president of the Ukrainian state. It warns us of the consequences of the lack of interventionist attitude towards other European countries in the war in Ukraine.

Celenski, immersed in a World Tour like Rock Star in recent weeks via a screen, is presented to us at the Congress of Deputies with a tight t-shirt of military aesthetic. It equates the current situation in Ukraine with the situation in Gernika last 37. And this point creates a stumble between PP and VOX. In this stage they disguise the word Paracuellos...

It is curious that the head of the clearly neo-Nazi armed forces use what happened in Gernika in 1937 to denounce war crimes. Even more curious if one takes into account that the Kingdom of Spain has never had words of forgiveness for a villa that today has become a symbol of peace.

In other words, denouncing the crime committed by the Condor Legion is surreal by the leader of the soldiers with all kinds of Nazi decorations. But the Congress of Deputies, apart from the nuances and crackdowns, gave a hearty applause to the Ukrainian high authority.

Elsewhere, luck has been different. In Greece, after giving the floor to a Nazi military, the scandal has been great. In fact, it should be remembered that recently Greek justice has proclaimed the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn movement as a criminal organization. And in Portugal, having seen that, they refused to allow Zelenski to appear in the Lusitania Parliament.

"In Butxa or in Donetsk, the same thing is going to happen as in Gernika," he added. They will tell us that the Reds were the perpetrators of the destruction."

Returning to the Kingdom of Spain, which is so generous in every kind of condemnation, we see television giving voice to people who feel offended by the words of Ukrainian politicians, even if they are in favour of their cause. In fact, it must be qualified: the bombings were Stalinist and the war was fratricidal. We therefore mention what a journalist has said about what happened in Gernika: “The bombings were not so good, nor were they so bad that they committed the bombings.” All of this is protected by freedom of expression in Spain. However, it would have been curious to make a similar comment, for example, on Hipercor. We think it is curious about the legal consequences.

Meanwhile, Spanish high diplomat Josep Borrell says that the applause is fine but not distracting attention: here recognition is important, but it is essential to send heavy weapons to Ukraine. The most important thing, as it reminded us the day after day that more aid is received from the Basque Country: “Opportunity for the arms industry. Basque weaponry is preparing for the major boom of the Ukrainian war.” Borrell is defending the arms market, while we are throwing our hands at the head for the massacres. Victims of massacres such as that of Butxa, depending on the authorship of the crime, will be of one category or another. In Butxa or Donetsk the same will happen as in Gernika. They will tell us that the Reds were the perpetrators of the destruction. However, the categorization of Victim of the first, second or fifth category represents a small consolation for the deceased. That doesn't matter when you're in a pit.

The war, the wars, the victims and the continuous tearing of the population. According to war propaganda by Satrapes Putin or the comical and narrow Zelenski, the civilian population is falling into the deafening explosion of Iskander or Tochka-U bombs and missiles.

And if you're lucky, you'll be able to escape, and hopefully, all depending on the color of your skin and your origin, you'll be able to access the category of refugees.

On the anti-militarist and pacifist movement of both countries, not a single word. What about the deserters who despair in their countries because they do not want to cooperate with the armies that belong to them according to the territory in which they live? These people are being rejected on the doorstep of Europe for committing such a serious crime as refusing compulsory registration and not wanting to participate in such an unjust and damaging war escalation.

These are not times of peace. Just and demilitarized peace seems to hinder cartoons such as that of Iñaki Anasagasti. Yes, war starts here, it's done here, in this clientele network of gun companies. The Basque Government grants subsidies to companies that applaud the current war in Ukraine. It has also agreed to send arms to Ukraine. That is why we must maintain the armed conflict and not commit ourselves to diplomatic solutions. The diplomatic departure could allow the inhabitants of Ukraine to return to their homes and begin to rebuild what others have destroyed. Under the protection of geopolitical nauseating and abominable capitalism and imperialism, the diplomatic solution has been destroyed.

This is where the war begins and from here we also have to deal with the escalation of war and the increase in military spending. Budgets must be disowned in order to strengthen armies and support Basque arms companies. That is why, one more year, we are calling for a tax objection to military spending. The war budget should be used in organizations working for peace, disarmament and anti-militarism. We also invite you to participate in the complaint against the Basque military industry, which will take place on 23 April.

The Congress of Deputies has become a tribune for the exaltation of war. Wars are faced with desertions, intransigence, antimilitarism, civil disobedience and, above all, with mobilisation. Gernika, Butxa, Gaza and no more declarations of war. Those responsible are the same, in different contexts, but always the same economic, imperialist and capitalist passion. It is up to us to rearm antimilitarism and social justice.

Bidali zure iritzi artikuluak helbide elektronikora

ARGIAk ez du zertan bat etorri artikuluen edukiarekin. Idatzien gehienezko luzera 4.500 karakterekoa da (espazioak barne). Idazkera aldetik gutxieneko zuzentasun bat beharrezkoa da: batetik, ARGIAk ezin du hartu zuzenketa sakona egiteko lanik; bestetik, egitekotan edukia nahi gabe aldatzeko arriskua dago. ARGIAk azaleko zuzenketak edo moldaketak egingo dizkie artikuluei, behar izanez gero.

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