At the beginning of the 2021-2022 course, in total three public schools in Iparralde want to offer a model of immersion in Basque: Larrainekoa, Idauze-Mendikoan, Arrosa and Ortzaize, also in the private school of Aiherra. But the Constitutional Council stated on 22 May that this is contrary to the French Constitution. In the morning they mobilised against this decision, occupying the school of Idauze-Mendi in Bilbao. Several elects have come to the place in solidarity with the deceased, including the mayor of the Navarra locality.
The representatives of these four centers sent a letter to the inspector of the Academy of Education, formally requesting the authorization of these openings, but at the moment they have not received a reply. Parents and teachers will continue to fight until they request: "It is clear to us that National Education is against these kinds of immersion, and that the decision of the Constitutional Council gives new strength to that opposing position. However, our will is as fast and as fierce as ever, so that the children of our schools have the most effective type of education, for the fathers and mothers who are very willing to transmit the Basque Country and for the agents of the world of education".
The Basque Football Confederation has announced that other schools in the area will be occupied in the coming days.
The French Constitutional Council published yesterday a note on the resolution of 22 May and, as you can read, goes against the Constitution if the model of linguistic immersion in the local language is focused on a public school. Therefore, follow this note by saying that it is a constitutional system of immersion in Basque both within SEASKA and in the private Catholic network.
Let us remember that Breton parliamentarian Paul Molac voted in favour of the bill, which opened up the possibility of channelling the model of immersion into public school as well, but finally, against the legislature, several parliamentarians went to the Constitutional Council, which he described as unconstitutional to much of the law. In response, Molace sent the French President, Emmanuel Macron, a formal request for the Constitution to be amended, along with another 140 parliamentarians.
It's the end of the course and it's the time for tests. The right to pass the tests in Basque is not entirely directed to them either. For example, the Brebeta exam for the end of school cannot be passed in full in Basque. To denounce this situation, a demonstration will be held on 1 July in Donapaleu. Moreover, at a hearing in Kanbo on 15 June, some teachers decided to give up leading the Breviet out of necessity, following the path of disobedience. SEASKA teachers and students have denounced that this violation of rights is an "injustice" and a "contempt" for this situation.
In a statement, the Basque Football Confederation expressed its "total support" for the "bold" decision of the professors of the UPV/EHU.
On the occasion of the 2016 Brevis Reform, the Science Subject joined the exam. Although in 2017 they were corrected in Basque, in 2017 and 2018 the amendments in Basque were nullified. In the following years, the Basque students' amendments were nullified and corrected by Castilian speaking teachers, which yielded "very bad" results for the students. Last year, on the occasion of the pandemic, a continuous beta control has been carried out, so the evaluation of the sciences was accepted in Euskera.
25 bat eragilek adierazi diete elkartasuna apirilaren 11n Baionako auzitegian epaituko dituzten Intza Gurrutxaga eta Gorka Torre Euskal Herrian Euskaraz taldeko kideei. Egun batzuk lehenago, apirilaren 6an Baionan eginen den manifestazioan parte hartzeko deia ere luzatu dute.
Plazara, AEK, Uda Leku, Dindaia eta Ebete antolakundeak Baionan elkartu dira Famili'on egonaldi ibiltariaren lehen edizioa aurkezteko. Hizkuntza mailaren arabera eskaintza bat edo beste egongo da eta haur zein gurasoentzat izango da udaberrian.
Hizkuntzarako ere gurasoak haurrentzako eredu direla kontuan hartuta, euskararen erabilera eta irakaskuntzari buruz sentsibilizatzeko helburua duen hamabostaldia antolatu dute Hendaia, Urruña, Donibane Lohizune eta Ziburuko herriek. Martxoaren 15etik 30era guraso... [+]
Nafarroa Beherean, Aiherrako 'Beltzegitea' etxean kokatuko da Eguzkilore haurtzain-etxe berria. Euskara, natura eta motrizitate librea oinarri harturik, heldu den apirilean hasiko dira zerbitzua eskaintzen.
The problem of the afrancession of the names of the places of Euskal Herria is not only due to the lack of consideration of the language in the signaling panels, but also to the execution of a decision on the domiciliation that was taken a few years ago.
Ultimately, the... [+]
Larunbatean ospatu dituzte Ttinka mikro haurtzaindegiaren bost urteak Lakarran. Baxe Nafarroko euskara hutsezko egitura bakarra da, Euskararen Erakunde Publikoaren B ziurtagiriduna.
On May 17, five Euskaltzales of Ipar and Hego Euskal Herria performed an action coinciding with the call made by the students of the Bernat Etxepare lyceum to mobilize in favor of the Basque. On the wall of the Baiona Subprefecture, a message was sent to the authorities of the... [+]
“Geldi euskara zapaltzea” lema berriz hartu du Euskal Herrian Euskaraz taldeak larunbatean egin duen prentsaurrekoan. Maiatzaren 17an, esaldi hori Baionako suprefeturan tindatzeaz akusaturik, irailaren 10ean epaituko dute Gorka Roca Torre.
Ikasturte honetan, lehen mailako ehun eskola elebidunetan 5.700 ikaslek ikasiko dute. Bigarren mailan hamasei kolegio eta lau lizeotan 1.600 dira. Zailtasun nagusia aurten ere kolegioan euskararen eta frantsesaren arteko oren parekotasuna erdiestea da.