There will be four areas in the village, but it will not be possible to move from one area to another. So people will have to choose the place where the program attracts them the most. Once the selection is made, you need to register on the website
When choosing the location, the following health measures have been taken into account. "In this way, sites have been selected that can provide their own protection and/or facilities for closing," the organizers explained.
As for the programme, two types of activities have been included in each area. On the one hand, the workshops and on the other, the shows. "We have tried to make the activities that have been organized along the march fit all people of all ages."
SUA, at Ikastola Ander Deuna. Wooden games and a dance workshop will be offered, with the performance of the Deabru Beltzak group. The opening event will also be held in this space. The ikastolas of Bilbao, Ander Deuna and Betiko, will pass the witness to the ikastola Abusu, which will be the organizer of the Ibilaldia 2022.
WATER in an area of the upper Barinetxe parking area. On the one hand, we will know the culture of the Saharawi people and, on the other, children will design the beach for the youngest to enjoy it. Water games will also be held. It is yet to be determined which show they will offer.
WIND on the other side of the parking lot above Barinetxe. There will be comet workshops, percussion workshops and a show by the Turutukupa collective.
TIERRA in the plaza and surroundings of Urgitxieta, in Larrabasterra. Talo and tai Txi workshops and the Gora Kasete show will be held.
Sustrai Colina bertsolariak idatzi du abestiaren hizkia eta Ze Esatek taldeak jarri dio doinua. Bideoklipean Santurtziko Bihotz Gaztea ikastolako neska-mutilek hartu dute parte.
Larramendi ikastolak antolatu du 39. Ibilaldia, Mungian, eta milaka lagun elkartu dira zirkuituaren lau guneetan. Araba, Bizkaia eta Gipuzkoarako Hezkuntza Legea lortzeko akordioak bilatzeko eskaera egin du Ikastolen Elkarteak.
Parekidetasuna zeharlerro moduan landu dute Ibilaldian, eta, horretarako, lau pertsonako lan-taldea sortu dute.