The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao bets on eight exhibitions 2021.urterako. There will be two exhibitions that could already be seen last year.
The museum director, Juan Ignacio Bidado, and its curators have presented the planned programming for 2021. "Abstractions of women artists from 1860-1980", "Crazy Years, 1920's" or "Bilbao in painting" are some of the protagonists of the 2021 programming of the Bilbao Museum. Bidart reported that "the presence of women in this year's programme is notorious".
The first part of the year will be a retrospective of the hand of the exhibitions "Bilbao in the painting" and "urte eroak, the 1920's". The museum has announced that "all the autumn offer we have completed with women artists", as the exhibitions that will be held at this time of the year will revolve around the contributions of the artists of the 20th and 21st centuries to abstraction.
Decline in visits in 2020
The Guggeheim Museum received 315,908 visits in 2020, only 27% (1,170,669) of the visits it received in 2019.Sin however, the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao has demonstrated in 2020 its ability to attract nearby audiences:A total of 69,861 Vizcaínos visited the museum last year, 23,191 more than in the same period of 2019 (50% more).
The following exhibitions can be seen in 2021:
"Bilbao in the painting" (29 January - 29 August)
At the end of the 19th century, Bilbao became one of the most prosperous cities in the Spanish State thanks to the shipbuilding and steel industry, but also to its commercial, banking and cultural activity. The exhibition shows the works of the Basque creators who introduced the modernist ideas of French impressionism and, subsequently, of the avant-garde.
"There is a law, a hand, a song" (19 February-13 June)
The work of the artist and director Alex Reynolds analyzes the tensions between the viewer and the witness, the limits of vision and the exchange of emotions beyond the device. From the fictional record.
"The Crazy Years, the 1920s" (7 May - 19 September)
The sample of Calixto Beito includes Berlin and Paris as examples of metropolises that lived those specific realities of the 1920s, but also contemplates other spaces of the avant-garde, such as Vienna or Zürich.
"Line of Invention" (11 June - 6 February 2022)
The first room of the exhibition gathers works created with little technologies and processes ortodoxos.La the second room consists of several figurative pieces. These pieces show the infinite possibilities that artists have to represent the themes. Works by Antonio Saura, Henri Michaux and Georg Baselitz present unusual ways of depicting in expressive style. On the other hand, using a realistic view of the human figure, Juan Muñoz's play "Shadow and Mouth" shows us a curious theatrical scene.
"Tximista dantza" (24 June - 26 September)
Cecilia Bengolea (Buenos Aires, 1979) is a multidisciplinary artist who brings together video, choreography and sculpture. In his research work, Bengolea explores the different popular dances that combine contemporary and archaic elements and that emerge the timeless concept of figuration.
"People come frist" (17 September - 23 January 2022)
"People Come First", from Alice Neel, is the first retrospective of the season in the Country Vasco.La show images of activists demonstrating against fascism and racism: Paintings and portraits of victims impoverished by the Great Depression of Spanish Harlem neighbours in New York, Neelen district, leaders of various political institutions, actors and queer artists and members of the global diaspora of New York.
"Noa Eshkol's movement notation" (7 October - 27 February 2022)
The work, the choreography and the other aspects of the artist Sharon Lockhart reveal the complexity and the poetic depth of a simple movement. Among Lockhart’s numerous researches in this regard, the reflection on the work of the Israeli choreographer, theorist and researcher Noa Eshkol (1895–1969) occupies a special place in the production of the artist in the last decade.
"Abstract Women" (22 October - 27 February 2022)
The exhibition "Abstracting Women" aims to tell the history of art that no one has ever told, especially in the 20th and 21st centuries, focusing on the contribution of women artists to abstraction. The exhibition brings together about 100 artists from different disciplines: dance, applied arts, photography, film, performance... and from different areas of the world: Latin America, the Middle East, Asia, Europe and the United States. Through them, it intends to present an extended and complex history, composed of multiple voices.
With this article, the BDS movement wants to make a public boycott of the event to be held on 24 September at the Guggenheim in Bilbao. In it, they will have the presence of the renowned Zionist artist, Noa, who will present his last record work.
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2016an greba egin zuen eta ondoren kaleratua izan zen langile bati 6.251 euroko kalteordaina ematera eta hura berriz ere kontratatzera zigortu dute Guggenheim Bilbao Fundazioa, grebarako eskubidea urratu duelako.