• Computer knowledge
• Knowledge of PHP and JavaScript frameworks: Laravel, Vue.
• Knowledge of PHP and MySQL, HTML5, CSS3 and Java Script
• Regular use of git for version control
• Knowledge of Basque
Account shall be taken of:
• Linux/Unix system management experience
• Experience in website development using Wordpress
• Teamwork capacity
• Ability to relate with clients and to receive and channel their demands
• Basque culture and knowledge of the Basque world
• Replacement contract until the end of the year (contractual options for the future may exist)
• Participate in the development of Internet projects by working as a team
• Ability to lead projects
Interested in directing your curriculum by 15 May 2023 indicating the reference “Programmer Post”.
ARGIAren enpresa taldeko kide den iametza teknologia berriak erabiltzen dituen komunikazio enpresa da.
Kaixo! ARGIAzalea zara eta erredakzioko lankide izan nahi zenuke? ARGIAn kazetari baten bila gabiltza, egun osoz aritzeko.