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Iametza needs a responsible communication project

  • Iametza, which is part of the ARGIA team, is a communications company that uses new technologies.

08 June 2021 - 06:55
Last updated: 08:58

We are looking for a new member to take over the different communication projects.


  • Journalism, advertising, audiovisual communication or marketing studies
  • Knowledge of the Euskalgintza sector (media, Basque culture…)
  • Ability to lead the creativity of communication campaigns and collaborate with the design team
  • Ability to take responsibility for different communication projects: decision-making, establishment of criteria, capacity for relationship…
  • Capacity to define and design communication strategies (communication plans)
  • Experience in the execution of plans, campaigns and communication actions: relations with the media, tasks of community manager, dynamization of participatory meetings, dissemination of speeches, design of media, video screenplay…
  • Higher knowledge of Basque (level C1 or C2)
  • Willingness to start work immediately

The following characteristics shall be taken into account in particular:

  • Ability and experience to organize the information architecture of websites and applications
  • Ability to perform basic image creation and change jobs: Adobe Photoshop, Canva…
  • Knowledge for email marketing: Experience in using software like MailChimp, data protection law, database management…
  • Knowledge of English (both oral and written)

What is offered:

  • Full-time contract
  • Integration into a multidisciplinary team

If you're interested in the job, submit your resume to by June 19 with the reference “communication”.

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