Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea from Donostia will be closed for almost two years

  • On Tuesday, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa approved the draft partial reform of the Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea with a tender budget of EUR 8,400,000 and a period of execution of 21 months. There is no starting date yet, but the Member has confirmed that the building will remain closed for almost two years.

12 January 2023 - 09:10
Argazkia: N. koch

During the execution of the works, the book lending service will be transferred to the premises of Komikigunea, Calle Reyes Católica, and the programming of the activities room will be held at the Convento de Santa Teresa.

The technical services of the library, the attention to the researcher and the infoteca will be transferred to Villa Asunción, in the Alto de Miraculture, and the historical and heritage background will be located in the Historical Provincial Archive of Oñati, although the researchers will be able to request documentation.

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They denounce the "racist and simplistic" report by Antena 3 on Donostia
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2024-09-25 | Eneko Atxa Landa
5th Day of the San Sebastian Film Festival
Cinema or theater?

On June 28 of this year, Casa in Flames (Etxea Sutan), a dramatic comedy directed by Dani de la Orden, premiered. I told him I thought I would see him a month before the festival, when I was talking to a friend, and he recommended it to me. Although we do not always agree, the... [+]

2024-09-19 | ARGIA
The Council and Bagera call for a concentration in Donostia to “manifest disagreement” over violations of language rights
The final judgment is dated 18 September: The High Court of Justice of the Basque Country has rejected the call for places of the Municipal Police of Donostia-San Sebastián. The Basque Council of the Basque Country and the Association of the Basque Country Bagera of... [+]

Respect the denied dignity

The Dual sculpture, placed on Ijentea Street, was inaugurated on May 31, 2014 in tribute to the 400 Donostiarras executed by the Franco regime during the coup d'état of 36 and the subsequent war. It was an emotional act, simple, but full of meaning. There they were relatives and... [+]

Macrofestibals: Can't take the measure to eucalyptus
On the eve of the festival, within the Summer Courses of the UPV/EHU, two days have been held in the Dabadaba room, in the district of Egia. In addition to several musicians, the organizers of different macrofestivities have also approached, who have participated as rapporteurs... [+]

2024-09-17 | ARGIA
A man who sexually assaulted the hijastra with little intelligence is sentenced to thirteen years in prison
In addition, at least four other sexual assaults have been reported during the weekend, three in Vitoria-Gasteiz and one in Donostia-San Sebastián.

2024-09-17 | ARGIA
Given the impossibility of renting a home, in Donostia many young people pay EUR 546 for a room
In the Spanish state, only in Barcelona is it more expensive to rent a room. In the Catalan capital, renting a housing room where more people live costs 623.14 euros per month. And the amount is increasing, from portal data

2024-09-17 | ARGIA
In the midst of the judicial "offensive" against the Euskaldunes, annulling once again the request of Euskera
The High Court of Justice of the Basque Country has rejected the call for two positions of agent of the Municipal Police of Donostia-San Sebastián requesting a linguistic profile B2 in Basque. Faced with this new ruling that "violates the rights of Euskaldunes", several agents... [+]

EH Bildu calls for the demolition of the Francoist cross of the cemetery of Polloe de Donostia
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They call for five years in jail for six young people detained in San Sebastian during Covid-19
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Present the 16th edition of the Alternative Film Festival to deal with the gesture and racism in Palestine
The Donostiarra popular movement has presented the 16th edition of the Alternative Film Festival (11 + 5, as they say themselves, in reference to the five years of the collapse of gaztetxe Kortxoenea), which is held in different neighborhoods. This year, six projections will be... [+]

Stop Evictions platform dences two Donostia families are at risk of eviction
Although the conditions of economic vulnerability are met, the Banco Santander has denied both families the suspension of payments for a period of time.

"ELA has built a story to give up collaboration" with CCOO and UGT
In 2017 he was appointed secretary-general of LAB and currently shares the position of general coordinator with Igor Arroyo. In the following areas we have worked on union models, alliances, general objectives and major challenges for the future. The phantom of the far right has... [+]

2024-09-10 | ARGIA
The City of San Sebastian is not charging the fee corresponding to the stores of the Old Party that bring their products to the street
The resident association Parte Zaharrean Bizi has denounced that the City of Donostia-San Sebastian "has not charged any fee" since the entry into force in 2019 of the Ordinance regulating the expansion of commercial activity to the public space.

2024-09-05 | ARGIA
The human chain against incineration on Sunday will denounce the waste management of the City Hall of Donostia
The Anti-Incineration Movement will carry out a human chain against incineration on Day 8 in Donostia-San Sebastián. The demonstration will start at 11:00 from Alderdi Eder in Vitoria-Gasteiz.

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