In the contests of Mihiluze, Hizkamizka or Burubero, to name a few, a neighbour of Zuberoa, Baja Navarra or Lapurdi could participate calmly. Today, despite its excellent knowledge of Spanish, it will hardly be possible to get out of the Atrápame competition if you can from ETB2, which has an average audience share of 12% in Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. Because many questions are imaginary outside the Basque people. Because the themes, characters, songs, places and references of television and the main media of Madrid are recurring themes in their questions. Not only that. A geographical paradox, by way of example: the presenter looked at a contestant born in Uruguay who participated in the El Conquis program, with humor, because he did not know a plaza in Seville, located 915 kilometers from the city where Atrápame is recorded if you can. Obviously, he did not take the precaution because he did not know anywhere in Baiona, Angelu or Biarritz — they are 50 kilometres from Atrápame if you can. This is what is transmitted to the audience of ETB with the Spanish competition: The one that is 900 kilometers away is ours, and the one that is 50 kilometers away does not exist.
The citizens of Castilla y León, Cantabria, La Rioja and Aragon therefore have much more chance of earning a salary in a single ETB competition than those of Lapurdi, Baja Navarra and Zuberoa. The contestants of Hego Euskal Herria who are linked to the Basque culture and who are disconnected from Spain will also play, by the way, with disadvantages. And, by the way, ETB will continue to feed an imaginary with the ETB2 competition, partly turning its back on the Basque Country and the Basque culture.
Without drowning in their contradictions, or drowning, it cannot be denied that many viewers of Hego Euskal Herria enjoy competitions full of Spanish reference. They are also polite in many cases: Know and win from TVE, for example. Tele5 often looks like a continuous loop of the fork, but with one exception: Pasapalabra competition. With this session, the viewer can learn a lot from the general culture, vocabulary and definitions in Spanish. In Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa this program has a 20% display fee. And in too many cases, not precisely for good, if ETB has tried to copy Tele5, it is not understood why they have not adapted the Pasapalabra model to the Basque Country. In this way, the viewer will be able to find definitions and songs in Basque, as well as works of art and places where the Basque is developed.
The competition is a familiar format and many Basque children from Hego Euskal Herria will be able to enjoy the Pasapalabra show every afternoon, for sure. Among other things, they have nothing to do with the Basque people. And they will learn in Cervantes' language many concepts and have a nice time with their relatives.
If at the same time they were in Euskera, those children — and also the adult relatives — would internalize their knowledge about the people of Euskera, every day, every session. The citizens of Urruña, Baigorri and Atharratze, places, words and language would feel closer. You'd see how much fun it is to learn Basque and learn Basque. The children and young people of Euskal Herria who relate Euskera with the school's obligations should watch on television the possibilities of playing. Also adults, closer than in Seville.
This article has been posted by Berriak and we have brought it with the Creative Commons license.
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