41,000 deaths and 85,000 injuries recorded at least in Turkey, Syria and Kurdistan, according to the latest data provided by the Government of Turkey and the World Health Organization. They expect the death toll to continue to rise. Eight people have been rescued in Turkey in the last few hours, after six days under the waste. They say that there can still be 150,000 people among the buildings shot down.
The rescue team Casco Blanco denounces that in northwestern Syria they have not received assistance from the United Nations. Martin Griffith, UN humanitarian leader, confesses that the organization "has failed the people of northwestern Syria."
Construction companies and government in focus
Earthquakes have demolished over 6,000 buildings in Turkey and the Office of the Prosecutor has launched a special unit to investigate construction negligence. 113 arrest warrants, according to Turkey's Vice-President Fuat Oktay. Among other things, they accuse him of not building columns to gain space in the dwellings. The School of Architects has denounced the death of so many citizens for the failure to comply with the building regulations and for the Government's ignorance of homes built without a license. Efe Emin Koramaz, president of the Union of Architects and Engineers of Turkey, explained that in the 20 years he has been in the Erdogan Government there have been eight major legalizations of "dangerous, corrupt and illegal" buildings.
The disaster caused by the cold drop in Valencia has left us dramatic images, both because of the immediate consequences it has had, and because the future awaiting us has brought us forward: that this type of extreme climate phenomena will be increasingly numerous and serious... [+]
In recent weeks it has not been possible for those of us who work in architecture that the climate phenomenon of Valencia has not been translated into our work discourse. Because we need to think about and design the path of water in decks, sewers, plazas and building parks. We... [+]
25 October. The Valencian Meteorology Society has announced that next week a cold drop from high temperatures could cause torrential rains in Valencia. Day by day, the forecasts are confirmed, and on 29 October, in the early morning hours, the State Meteorology Agency has... [+]
Hogeita hamaika suhiltzaile nafar joan dira Valentziara, uholdeen ondoko garbiketa lanetan laguntzen, Horietako bat da Iñaki Sexmilio. "Zenbait lekutan gurea izan da iritsi den lehen laguntza taldea, herritarrak oso eskertuta daude", azaldu du Metropoli Forala... [+]