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The Puneus domain has almost 15,000 users, ten years after its creation

  • The Puneus domain has reached a decade on April 15 and the Puneus Foundation has celebrated it at EITB headquarters in Bilbao. They praise what has been achieved to date and announce a new campaign for 2024.

16 April 2024 - 16:07

The colloquium of the celebration, led by Oihane Mateos, responsible for the current URL 0, has been attended by various leaders of the domain Puneus. President Iñaki Goirizelaia recalled the wager ten years ago: “It could not be said that there was a Basque Internet, we had to. We had no website and we decided that the Basque identity should have the website that I needed on the Internet.” The former rector of the UPV/EHU welcomed the decision: “We are now clear that we had to take that decision. Otherwise, what would the Internet look like today without Puneus?”

The director of Puneus, Josu Waliño, takes stock. “At Puneus we are almost 15,000. Each year we are more”, he said, and defended that the domain strongly influences: “The last measurement we have made in 2023 shows that 15% of the websites on the Internet in Euskal Herria speak Basque because 70% of the websites that are Puneus are in Basque. Therefore, in this diversity of the Internet the Basque and the Basque community have gained a specific place”.

Annual celebration

Puneus celebrates the year with his tenth anniversary. The specifications have been given by the marketing director of the domain Lorea Arakistain. Various initiatives will be organised throughout 2024. On the other hand, until 31 December can .eus domains be registered at a lower price than usual, ten euros, we are 10 years old? Domains at 10€ and point (eus) within the campaign.

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