Recently, the eviction of a wooded area between Berango (Bizkaia) and Getxo (Bizkaia), along with the fully burned motorway BI-637, has been reported. In fact, since October 2023, almost a hundred migrants have lived in different sites created in the area. They are all of Maghreb origin, apparently.
It seems that the police forces received the expulsion order a few weeks ago from the persons referred to in the abovementioned places of stay. These are tents located on a private plot. According to various means, the owner of this plot has been the one who has given the warning to the police and has called for the release of migrants.
Although police forces have driven them out of these precarious settlements, no one seems to have guaranteed a housing alternative to all displaced persons. Deia's own journal, for example, has acknowledged that "saturation" is the predominant note in "health care resources in the area of Uribe Kosta and Getxo", which "prevents, at the moment, giving greater coverage to these people at risk of social exclusion".
Gasteizko Errotako (Koroatze) auzoan izan diren manifestazio "anonimoek" kolokan jarri dute auzokoen arteko elkarbizitza. Azalera atera dituzte ere hauetan parte hartu duten partidu politiko batzuen eta beste kide batzuen izaera faxista eta arrazista.
In this frenetic and vertiginous world in which we live, the social changes that take place little by little seem to us to be sometimes imperceptible, irrelevant or insignificant. That is not the case, however, and we have to be aware of it in order to act wisely. An example of... [+]