Euskal Herrian Euskaraz organizes in autumn the I Meetings of Euskaltzales Independentistas, a weekend of training, reflection and leisure. The association hopes to be a meeting point for "sharing paths and putting ourselves in the future". The exact date and place will be reported later.
EHE aims to serve as a meeting point for those who wish to constitute the Republic of the Basque Country: "The independence of the Basque Country is essential to guarantee the linguistic rights of the Basques", they claimed.
The meetings aim, among other things, to reflect on how to feed each other in the struggle for the Basque Country from the perspective of the intersection
In this sense, the following topics for reflection have been raised for the fall meeting: what contributions and demands of the independence process from the Basque sphere, how to face the difficulties found on the road to the Basque Country, how to take advantage of the strengths of the movement in favor of the Basque country, the contribution of consensus among the agents of the Basque sector on the road to the Basque Country, how to approach the struggle for food and reflect on the intersection.
First meeting opened Saturday in Senpere
To this end, EHE will invite both rapporteurs from the Basque Country and members of the Basque culture and other movements. The programme will be published later, with specific dates and locations. Community meetings are planned for the organisation of the meetings, the first will take place next Saturday, 21, at 10:00 in the Larraldea de Senpere. Confirmation of written assistance is requested.
During the Pandemic, EHE has taken the opportunity to reflect and, after the Astindu process, have maintained new lines of work, including working to unite young generations in the struggle for the Basque Country, or participating and promoting projects to influence linguistic policies with the other cultural agents of the Basque Country.
The meetings that will be premiered this year are considered an important tool for these objectives and plan to be held every two years.
Horra Libération egunkariak berriki argitaratu duen idazkia:
“Bayonne” bukatu da, Libérationek “Baiona” idatziko du
Hiri baten izenaren erabilpena ohiturazkoa delarik, egunkari batean izen horren erabilpena aldatzea zaila da. Alta, irakurleen... [+]
25 bat eragilek adierazi diete elkartasuna apirilaren 11n Baionako auzitegian epaituko dituzten Intza Gurrutxaga eta Gorka Torre Euskal Herrian Euskaraz taldeko kideei. Egun batzuk lehenago, apirilaren 6an Baionan eginen den manifestazioan parte hartzeko deia ere luzatu dute.
Agorrilaren 27an igorri nizuen gutunean, irailaren 10eko auzian euskaraz deklaratzeko asmoa nuela adierazi nizuen. Auzi honen hastapenean, epaile nagusiari euskaraz zekienez galdegin nion. Gutxiespenarekin ezetz erantzun zidan. Orduan, nere gutuna eskuratu zuenez frantsesez... [+]
“Geldi euskara zapaltzea” lema berriz hartu du Euskal Herrian Euskaraz taldeak larunbatean egin duen prentsaurrekoan. Maiatzaren 17an, esaldi hori Baionako suprefeturan tindatzeaz akusaturik, irailaren 10ean epaituko dute Gorka Roca Torre.
Ms. Judge of the Bayona Court of Justice dismisses:
In March, I was judged by some Euskaltzales in Baiona for taking part in some of the actions we have taken to denounce the unfair treatment suffered by the Basque authorities in the French state. At the beginning of the trial,... [+]
At the end of the Saturday Cup in Seville, we came to discuss two basic elements of our lives: Athletic and Euskera. Someone might think that the Basque country does not need elite football to merge with the circus around it or that football and politics should not be confused... [+]
The other day, at the institute where I work, a student threw me: “If we are ten people and one does not know Basque, it is logical and respectful to speak in Spanish”. Behind this chain of words and the person who has launched it, there are countless concrete experiences... [+]
Just over two months ago, Agent Euskal Herrian Euskaraz was 44 years old. Specifically, on November 4, 1979, the agent was introduced in Durango. Since then, despite changes in times, ways of doing and strategies, the objective of EHE remains: Construction of the Basque... [+]
Eguraldi euritsuari aurre eginez, ehunka lagunek osatu dute manifestazioa Durangon "Euskaraz bizitzeko, Euskararen Errepublika" lelopean. Euskal Herrian Euskaraz antolatzaileak egoeraren larritasuna azpimarratu du amaierako hitzartzean: "Datozkigun astinaldiak... [+]